A/N- Apology/ I need your help

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Hey guys. So I'm really really sorry but the next chapter won't be up this week like I said and I actually don't think it'll be up in a while as I'm really struggling to find a song for it so I appologise for the long wait. However, if you guys could help me then hopefully I should be able to get it up sooner. So basically, I need a song from a movie/ musical preferably however any other song will be fine but using the theme of friendship as that will be a big focus for the next chapter (hint hint). I will give you a shoutout if you recommend the song I end up using. Also, for the future there are a few movies/ musicals that I'd love to use a song from but have no idea which one and how I can fit it in so if anyone has an idea of which song I could use and in which scenario, please let me know as I will be so grateful. Thank you so much in advance. Those songs can be friendship related but don't have to be. Below are the movies and musicals



Blood Brothers

Something Rotten

Any of the Muppets movies

Disney. Just anything Disney

Thank y'all so much in advance. See y'all in the next chapter. Byeeeee

Can't Stop Singing  (Sanders Sides musical au)Where stories live. Discover now