Chapter 16

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Chapter 16#

Brooke's {POV}

"Are we there yet?" I asked

"Brooke, if you ask me that one more time, I swear to god I would drop you off on this sidewalk and you could walk back home." Austin groaned.

"What got your panties in a twist ? Besides you are driving for hours and you won't tell me where we're going!" I whined.

Austin Ignored my protests and after a few more minutes, Austin made one stop to a shop (RHYMED) and bought some balloons and buckets of paint. I don't think what we're doing will end well.

Ten yawns, and four stretches later Austin parked behind a tall old broken building in the middle of a busy sidewalk. He walked up to what's seems like a door made of left overs of wood with the bag of balloons and paint in his hands. He passed through the small hole as an entrance.

I stood there not knowing what to do, as I finally decided to enter I heard his footsteps going up the stairs that led to a roof. I followed cluelessly. After what felt like hours of climbing the stairs, Austin kicked a broken door open and bright light entered through which made me squint my eyes from the sudden brightness.

"Okay, now you really need to keep that big mouth of yours shut; so we don't get caught." he said to me.

"How rude! I have an okay mouth thank you very much." I said while pitching the bridge of my nose to calm down.

"Yeah right," he said sarcastically, "anyway, let's get started."

I rolled my eyes but followed him anyways. We walked up to the centre of this roof and Austin places the bags on the floor, he bend down and took the balloons and paint boxes out of the box. I stood there watching how his muscles moved as he touched something.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer," he said facing me with a cocky grin wide on his face.

I looked away hiding my scarlet blush creeping onto my face. That's the thing I hate the most about me; I blush easily, and when I blush, I blush deeply, and that is mostly used against me.

"Wanna help me princess?" Austin said looking up to me.

I nodded and bent down to his level. He held the ballon open while he told me to pour some paint in it and tie it up. We did the same to the rest of the balloons, while most of them popped into mine and Austin's face. I laughed at how he looked, while he tried getting some paint out of his nose.

"Okay now that were done, here's what to do..." Austin said instructed.

We walked to the edge holding two filled balloons each. This was so exciting even though we might be doing something that will hurt some people.

"There's a guy walking towards this building, I'll go first," he said aiming.

Once the guy came closer, he looked like he was in the phone with someone. Austin threw the balloon down to the guys head which landed perfectly on his head popping the paint that was stocked in.

I heard him yell 'hey!' And look up to where we were. I backed away from the wall before the guy could see who it was and so did Austin. I bent down laughing so hard at the now yellow looking guy. It was now my turn as I aimed to a lady wearing a suit walking out from a saloon nearby. If I throw this it would ruin her hair which she just did. So I kept thinking of it over and over again.

"Don't think just do it," Austin said noticing my unsure moment. And I did, I threw it all over the women; who in returned screamed loud enough for the glass to break.

Austin and I ended up throwing paint all over each other in matter of seconds, some got into my ear and I threw one which landed right on his 'oh-so-perfect-hair' which made him mad.

I started laughing so hard I couldn't control my balance. So I fell on the floor with a loud smack from my butt. Now it's Austin's turn to laugh, and I glared at him playfully.

We walked back to his car smiling from the amazing day; even though we just broke some rules, but it's not like you get this chance everyday.

We got to my apartment late at night and Austin followed me in. I got to my shower and switched on the heater. Austin took the living room toilet and I handed him Richard's left over clothes.

After my long hot comforting shower. I was very tired to the point I kept yawning every two seconds. I went out to check on him, I saw him dressed in Richards big clothes making him look tiny. I giggled at that thought.

"What are you all smiley about, angel?" He asked with a small smirk playing across his lips.

"Angel? really? I was thinking how you look so tiny in this over sized clothes," I giggled again.

"Tiny? Your too innocent, angel," he said chuckling and shaking his head.

I told him to feel free to hit the couch and went back to my room. I turned the lights off keeping the night light on. My eyes started getting heavier with each second.

I felt the bed dip on my right, but I was too tired to see who it was. Two hands crept onto my waist, and pulled me into a bare chest. I felt large hands intertwine with my all ones, which sent tingles all over my body. I snuggled into the warm body next to me and heard someone mumble 'goodnight angle' and a faint kiss on my forehead.


Dear humans,

I'm so sorry for not updating...

Hmm not really liking this chapter but I would ℒℴѵℯ to know what your opinions on this chapter.

Mr.badboy not so bad to Miss innocent huh?

Don't forget to



And VOTE again,

Rayan xx thanks ℒℴѵℯ ya guys ❣❥

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