Letterman Jacket

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this one... you'll see.

Letterman Jacket


date published/completed/last updated
completed on Jan 5, 2017

21 chapters

1k votes
(july 29, 2018)

26k reads
(july 29, 2018)

platform to find it on
i'm unaware of other platforms it's posted on.

categories the author tagged it with
completed, cas, castiel, dean, destiel, highschool, au.

summary provided by author
"Castiel is a clueless cutie

What happens when he gets a jacket from the 'Quarterback' on Jacket Day

Find out in Letterman Jacket"

my final thoughts on the fic:
alright so, honestly this one was recommended in a few destiel recommendation books and by other people in the fandom and i can kinda see why but at the same time i'm very confused.

this book has a great idea for the storyline, but in my opinion, poorly written. i hate writing bad reviews for fics because i always imagine how much it would suck to read a bad review about mine. it's just, the writing style bothers me a bit. what i mean by that is certain dialogue is underlined or bolded for no reason. a bio is included for everybody, but randomly, sometimes in an author's notes, and they always write them as if it's a chore.

the grammar and dialouge is a little cringey, and i felt like i was reading the first fanfic i ever wrote (it was tragic, we don't talk about that) or the first fanfic this author ever wrote. i read this a while ago, and upon reading it again as a refresher now, i was dragging myself through after chapter 10 to complete it for this review.

the relationship between dean and cas was non-existent in the beginning, but after dean gives his jacket to cas they plummeted full force into this love filled relationship based off a jacket tradition at their high school. they didn't even get to know each other and they're in love. i'm putting so much emphasis on everything (sorry) (i mean i'm sorry)

a few chapters were all barely a page each, the conflict was solved literally in the end of the last chapter... meaning there was a non-existent falling action and it went from climax --> resolution. they portrayed lisa and meg as the bullies of the school, and i never really like when they make them out to be bad.


would not recommend


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