Twist and Shout

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yes, yes. the most famous Destiel fan fiction out there. here's my take on it and why you totally should read it. but first, as promised, all the info about it.

Twist and Shout

Gabriel, Standbyme

date published/completed/last updated:
published: 2014-18-01
updated: 2016-11-13

12 chapters, not including the one beginning FAQ chapter.

97997 words

29696 kudos
(last checked: august 18, 2018)

1022163 hits
(last checked:august 18, 2018)

platform to find it on:
the thing about Twist and Shout is, that you can probably find it anywhere. the original author, however, posted it on Archive of our Own.

i should also mention that since the author did not post it on other platforms, i'm not including the amount of reads and votes on wattpad.


categories the author tagged it with:
DeanCas Big Bang, Twist and Shout, AU.

the authors further added these
archive warnings: Graphic Depictions of violence, Major Character Death
and an explicit rating

summary provided by author:
"What begins as a transforming love between Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak in the summer of 1965 quickly derails into something far more tumultuous when Dean is drafted in the Vietnam War. Though the two both voice their relationship is one where saying goodbye is never a real truth, their story becomes fraught with the tragedy of circumstance. In an era where homosexuality was especially vulnerable, Twist and Shout is the story of the love transcending time, returning over and over in its many forms, as faithful as the sea."

and my final thoughts on the fic
this book was absolutely tragic, however so well written and beautiful. i've re-read it so many times, always hoping that the end will change (it doesn't) and i never get tired of it. the smut is shamelessly written, but also not dragged out or rushed through. their relationship was literally love at first sight, but i reiterate, soooo well written.

homophobia was portrayed in it, both boys having family members that completely disagreed with the life, but also ones that supported them. it fit with the time period, people in this book talked about it as a sickness, as an actual ailment that could be fixed. (WHICH IT ISNT, IF YOU'RE GAY, TRANS, ETC, YOU'RE PERFECTLY HEALTHY AND NORMAL AND I LOVE YOU AND IM HERE IF YOU WANNA DM ME)

i definitely think it's worth a read for those who haven't heard about it, or have and just wondered if it's been blown out of proportion (much like the After books, if you ask me). maybe even worth a re-read for those of you who have read it and wanted to see my thoughts on it here, i also definitely picked up some things, and everything happening in the beginning was like uh, foreshadowing who???

side, yet important, note- the first time i read this it was on wattpad by someone who reposted it there. after i read it and fell it love with it, someone on tumblr messaged me saying that someone has used some website to print actual hand held, page flipping, real bookmark holding book copies. naturally, 11 year old me begged my mother to order it for me, and she did. (i also made her read the book, she claimed she didn't read the smut. i know she be lyin' tho) but i noticed something, the person who had posted it to wattpad... excluded chapter five completely. so there i was reading a chapter i'd never even knew existed, like a kid in a candy store.

yeah, don't get mad at me if you read ahead :/

(btw, yes, i'm a whovian. fight me.)
anyway, as much as the end made me sob uncontrollably, it was tied up in a nice neat bow (that was soaked by my tears) to satisfy the readers.

but yeah, chapter five was sad as fuck, but i was still like "OMG MORE T&S GIMME GIMME GIMME" ... yeah. that was me :)

cas's death was tragic, and the way the author titled each section of his illness progressing absolutely shattered my poor, gay heart. i also like the subtle way they slipped Sam and Jess supporting them throughout the book was amazing, especially during the funeral.

i also read about ten thousand alternate endings because i was just so distraught by cas's death. like he was actually in my life and died in front of me, instead of the reality of me just reading a version of a character from a show in a fan fiction dying.

things that may cause heart break (aka things that you'll never see the same again) after reading this book include:

• milkshakes
• "i can dig elvis"
• can't help falling in love by elvis
• the beach (fuck you, projector scene)
• the war draft
• the words "Dear Cas," or "Dear Dean,"

as well as certain lines might stick in your head, and if you re read it, it can really stab your heart a lil bit.

10/10 gold stars from me, would recommend


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