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Harry's POV:

After we had all caught up about our summers, Ron decided he wanted to show Hermione something in the kitchen, while me and Ginny stayed back in the yard.

"You think he fancies her?" Ginny asks looking into the window where Ron and Hermione were talking

"What? No! They're just friends." I said, some what annoyed that she would think that. Because after all, they were, and quite honestly I found it shocking that they were even friends. I mean, they could never agree on anything and were constantly arguing.

"Okay, well no need to get so defensive about it." She sighs and as I look over to her, she suddenly decides to kiss me, which definitely took me by surprise.

I had known that she fancied me, Ron talks about it all the time and Fred and George are constantly teasing her about it. Though, I would never have expected her to kiss me all of a sudden like that. It had almost seemed as if she was forcing herself to do it.

"Damnit." She says as we pull apart

"Thanks." I say sarcastically but she just shakes her head. I feel as if there is something she's not telling me, and given that she kissed me I feel like I at least deserve to know what it is. But I decided to keep that thought to myself, or she'd hex me to oblivion.

"No, it's me." She said and I was about to ask her what that meant but she beat me to it. "You'll know later."


Hermione's POV:

I was brushing my teeth when I heard Ron and Harry coming up the stairs. I don't know what they were talking about, but whatever it was seemed very secretive. Obviously, I was annoyed as they always shared secrets, but now it had gotten worse. And considering Ron puts in so much effort to not hating me as much as he did, I would expect him to let me know whats bothering him.

"Oh, I didn't think you'd still be up, Hermione." Harry said once he saw me, and then turned to Ron "You go ahead, I need to get ready for bed anyways."

Ron simply nodded and continued up to his room in the third floor.

"What were you and Ron talking about?" I ask him once Ron had left. Hoping that at the least, Harry would tell me the truth.

"Oh, er....just Quidditch." He said, and I instantly knew he was lying which kind of hurt. "Anyways, I wanted to ask you if you'd noticed anything weird going on with Ginny?"

I couldn't help but feel jealous, I mean he talks privately with her and then talks to me about how worried he is for her. It started to get on my nerves, and I know that isn't fair because if things were switched and I was in his position, he would be supportive.

"Uh, not that I can recall. Why?" I said, trying to shake all those thoughts out of my head.

He just shakes his head "Don't worry about it." he said "Also, you should probably know your jumper is inside out."

I look down and he starts laughing.

"Oh, shut it!" I yelled and playfully hit him on the arm "It's not like I wouldn't have noticed eventually."

He just smiles and turns to head up to Ron's room.

"I'll see you in the morning, Hermione." he says and that was that last I saw of him tonight.

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