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Hermione's POV:

Last year Harry had been dating the most popular girl in school, Cho Chang. They didn't last long, which was no surprise if I'm being completely honest. Cho constantly talked about Cedric, and even though Harry could somehow put up with that, she snitched about the D.A.

Personally, I would have to say I'm glad they didn't work out. Cho is all surface, and while I do believe she's a very nice girl, her personality isn't right for Harry.

Now we're in our sixth year, and I've been staying at the Burrow for the past week waiting for Harry to arrive.

"He'll be here, Hermione." Ron says and I roll my eyes

"How can you be so sure, Ron?" I snapped back at him "Do you know how much stronger the death eaters have gotten? Do you know how much danger that puts him in?"

I was so overwhelmed by anger that I had stopped paying any mind to everything around me and had became consumed in my thoughts. I was completely unaware the Ron was trying to talk with me.

"Hermione?" he said waving a hand in my face to get my attention "What do you think? About us?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What in Merlin's name are you talking about? What about us?"

"Well," Ron sighed and it seemed as if he was preparing to give some long speech, but luckily he was cut off when I heard the sound of Harry's voice.

"Ron, he's here!" I yelled and got to my feet "Harry's here! Come on!"

I ran down the stairs as fast as I could, nearly missing a few steps along the way. I was just far too excited that Harry was here.

When I saw him he was hugging Ginny, and I don't know why exactly that would upset me, but it did. I made sure Harry realized I was now here and once he saw me, he immediately withdrew his hug from Ginny and gave me a hug that nearly knocked me flat.

For some reason, I felt almost giddy that he left her side when he saw me. It was only a hug, I know, but it made me feel as if I were more important to him than she was. Which, is a really mean thing to say considering she's my best friend, but I couldn't help it.

"Hermione, I've missed you." he said as we pulled apart "I can't believe I haven't had a chance to catch up with you all summer."

Ron scoffed. "Consider yourself lucky, mate." he said and Harry turned to hug him

"Why don't you all catch up in the yard." Molly suggested "I can only imagine that there's a ton you all must talk about."

"Thanks mum." Ginny said and took Harry's hand, leading him outside which made my chest tighten with anger. Not only ten minutes after he's got here and she's already claimed him like some trophy.

"Hermione?" Harry asked suddenly grabbing my attention "Are you alright?"

I nodded "Yea. Perfect."


I'm super excited about this book omg. Also it's going to feature another ship because I ship them soooooo hard and I think it will work out great in this book

Thanks for reading!

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