Part 1

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The line was endless. Titan after titan, there was no end close in sight. Where were they all coming from? There was no hole in wall rose, the scouts made sure of that, so why were there so many titans in the walls? I looked around, the face of my friends were as grim as mine, many thinking the same question, "what's going on?". Turning my head, I saw Hanji talking to Eren on top of the wall, a strategy plan? Most likely involving Eren's titan form, maybe I should scale up the wall to them and hear what's going on. I'd also be safe from the titan's, it was only the smartest idea.

"Connie, I'm scaling up to see what Hanji is saying, and if she has any plans on how to get out of this. Cover for me, alright?"

He nodded and unfroze from his spot on the wall, slowly making his way down to where I was using his maneuvering gear. "Armin, why are we doing this again?"

I looked at him then at the endless line of titans that were making their way over to us. "They want us to distract them, bring them towards us so, sooner or later, we can take care of them. That way they don't get into any other areas. It seems to be distracting them, but I don't understand how we will kill them, there's no trees."

"Of course not, this is just our luck. I just want to know what happened to my village," he wiped his eyes with his sleeve. Gently, I put a hand on his shoulder.

"We will figure it out, Connie. I promise. One step at a time," I smiled seeing that he felt more comfortable now then minutes ago. I scaled up the wall and started walking towards Hanji and Eren. I looked over the edge to see the titans and all the soldiers and scouts along the wall. Mikasa, Sasha, Reiner, Bertholdt, Christa, Ymir, and so many others hung there silently, waiting for something to happen. Finally, I walked over to the two talking and stood beside Eren.

"Ah! Armin, I was just about to get you! We have an idea, I want your second voice on it," Hanji said, turning to face me. Eren looked out over the walls at the titans.

"Sure, what is it?"

"There's no good place to use our maneuvering gear here, unless the user knows tricks on it. Basically, I'm saying only Mikasa, Erwin, Levi, and all the older scouts would know what to do. But there isn't enough of us to take on that many titans, as skilled as we are."

"So what are you thinking?"

"We use Eren alongside the rest of us. Titan Eren! And that's where you come in!"

"Me? What do you want me to do??"

Hanji leaned forward, the sun reflecting on her glasses. It made her look terrifying, and that was not including the crazed look in her eyes. "I want you to ride on his shoulders, telling him which titans to attack and keep him in check if necessary. You were able to knock him out of it last time. And while he does seem more in control, it never hurts to have you there."

"But what if I get hurt? Eren, no offence, but he fights violently! Why can't you be there?"

"Trust me, I would love to! But my skill needs to be on the field to try and kill some of the titans. Don't worry about getting hurt! You'll be high off the ground, all these guys seem smaller than him. There is no way you can be reached!"

"Then why do I need to tell him which ones to get?" I glanced over the wall then at Eren. "Don't you know?"

"Armin, it isn't necessarily to show him which titans to go after, but to make sure he stays in check. He admitted that the sound of your voice keeps him in line."

I blushed and looked at Hanji. "Did he really?" She nodded, I guess there was no choice now. "Fine, I'll do it. For Eren, and for humanity's future."

She smiled brightly and ran over to the edge of the wall, "I need all scouts up here! We got a plan! Stationary Guard, keep doing what you're doing!" Slowly, people started coming off the side of the wall and walked over. As soon as everyone was there, Hanji explained the plan to them. Most of them agreed it was the best idea, it's not like they had a choice. Mikasa looked like she was ready to argue against it, but something inside her head told her no.

"You heard the girl, get ready for battle!" Levi yelled out, causing everyone to scatter. My classmates, except for Eren, Mikasa, and I, went back to scale down the wall. Everyone else went to refill their supplies.

"Don't let Eren get hurt, okay?" Mikasa looked at me. I nodded gently, neither of us would get hurt.

After a couple minutes, everyone was ready to set the plan into action.

"Soldiers, today we charge!" Erwin yelled, using his gear to grab onto a titan and fly off the wall. All the others did the same. Eren looked at me and smiled, then jumped off the wall, biting his hand, which caused him to go into titan from. The crack of thunder was louder than ever up close. Everyone stared as he slowly stood up, turing to face me. It was time.

I jumped off the wall and onto his shoulder. "Let's do this!" I yelled, trying to sound confident. My voice crack told me I didn't do too well. All around, scouts were fighting the titans, slicing them and killing them. Eren ran into the heat of battle, tearing more of them into shreds. I kept yelling encouraging things to him, making sure he was in control, all the while I was watching the battle around me. A few titans had won between blade and hand, the yelling for help was unimaginable. I looked away as I saw someone get yanked down and picked up by large hands. It wasn't right, none of this was right. Aside from all the death's, things were looking to be on our side. That was, until Eren got overwhelmed. Titans of all sizes started running towards him, ignoring all humans, and grabbing onto him with strong force that he couldn't shake them off. He managed to pull some off, but before we knew it, there were too many.

Mikasa rushed over to help, then Levi and the others, but there were too many. We were going down, this was it. A titan picked me off of Eren's shoulder and looked at me in the face. It was terrifying, it's creepy, blood thirsty smile directed right at me. I was going to die. I'm too young to die! I kicked and screamed, trying to get away. My arms were pinned down in the giant hand, there wasn't much I could do. It opened its mouth and before I knew it, unbelievable pain shot through my body. I tried to squirm more, but I was weaker now then I was before. I looked over at Eren, he was busy fighting off the titans on him. Mikasa and all the other senior scouts were busy trying to save him. It only made sense, he was vital to this. Hanji looked over and saw me, her face going pale.

"Armin!" she yelled and rushed over to help me, but she was too far. Mikasa looked over and froze, then went back to trying to save Eren. I closed my eyes as the titan opened its mouth again. This was it, I was going to die. All my classmates would see that I can't fight back, that I'm only brains. I thought back to when I was young, having Eren and Mikasa save me from bullies. Why that memory now? I wasn't going to be saved. I took a deep breath and waited for the worst to happen.

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