Part 6

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[This section may get a little spicey??? meaning there is a makeout session that may look like it'll turn into something more, but I promise it won't. You're free to skip ahead if that makes you uncomfortable! This part isn't vital to the story, just me having fun with this.]


Jean pulled me into another kiss, this one more deeper than the last. Just as before, I melted into it in seconds. I leaned forward, wanting to be closer to him, putting most of my body mass up against him. It wasn't enough, not in the slightest.

He pulled away to catch his breath and smiled. "It's weird, I'm able to do this and not have you pull away. I never thought this would be real, I thought I was going to have to fight the idiot for you."

"What do you mean by that?" I leaned my head against his and looked up into his eyes. They were brown, nothing that would make me excited on any normal person. But on Jean, my heart skipped a beat everytime we made eye contact.

"I "Why would you think that?" Jean gently brought his forehead away and kissed my cheek, then slowly made his way down to my neck. I blushed and forced myself to talk instead of making a different noise.

"B-because you two always had a rivalry. I thought it was because of romantic tension, which it could've been for a while." I put a hand on the back of Jean's head and leaned my own head back a little. "I-it was a healthy rivalry of course, nothing too physical. Jean what are you do- OH!" My face heated up as I pulled Jean's head away gently. "What was that for?"

"It's called marking, someone taught me a while back. Don't worry, it's low enough that no one will see with your clothes on."

"And what about with my clothes off??" I paused to think about what I just said and laughed. "Ignore that, no one will see me without clothes."

"I'd hope not," Jean smiled and fixed my shirt, then leaned in and kissed me again. It was much softer this time, but it got heated after a couple seconds. He did this thing with his tongue and I completely melted into the kiss. In the heat of the moment, I grabbed his shirt and pulled his body closer, craving as much physical contact as possible. He must have caught the idea and broke the kiss, pushing me to lay down fully on the desk.

"You looking for something, Arlert?" He smirked softly, looking down at me as he hovered above, placing one hand on each side of my body. He wasn't on the desk fully, but he sure was on top of me.

"Ah-" I could feel my face heating up yet again. My heart raced as I looked up at him, seeing his hair fall in front of his eyes. It wasn't long, but long enough. I reached up and pulled it back, only to watch it fall back again. "I'm looking for your eyes."

"That was smooth," He laughed and leaned in, planting yet another kiss on my cheek. He made his way back down to my neck. I covered my mouth and leaned my head back as he did his thing. I stayed as quiet as I could, which was a little difficult. Jean made his way back up and moved my hand.

"Hey, Armin?"


"I like you, a lot. More than what I want to admit. It's scary, because what if something else happens to you and I'm not there?"

"What do you think is going to happen...?"

"Sneak attack? The wall falls and you can't move? I don't know."

"Are you saying I'm weak?"

"Of course not! You're weaker than before, but that doesn't mean anything. What I'm saying is I-"

I cut him off with a kiss and smiled gently, putting my hand on his cheek. "You don't need to explain yourself, I get what you're saying. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated, really. But you should also worry about yourself. Understand?"

"...Yeah, I got a little over my head there for a minute." He tilted his head to lay better in my hand and smiled. "You're really something else."

"I get told that a lot actually," I laughed and leaned in for another kiss. He took control again and made it his, doing the tongue thing a second time. I slipped my hand off his cheek and put it behind his head, running my fingers gently through his hair. We stayed together for a while, enjoying the heat of each other's heated passion. The only gaps in the kisses were to take a quick breath, then right back at it. I pulled away after a bit and put a hand gently over Jean's mouth, signaling him to hold on for a minute.

"Something wrong?" He talked into my hand, leaving his words muffled. I shook my head and tucked some hair behind my ears.

"I just- need more air than a split seconds worth."

Jean nodded and I pulled my hand away. It was nice to see he was smiling behind my palm. I laid back down on the desk and looked up at him.

"Hey, Jean? Did you know you looked amazing from down here?"

He blushed and looked away, "I-I didn't, thank you for informing me."

I laughed and opened my mouth to say something, only to have Jean quickly cover it with his hand. I looked back at him to see what was going on, and followed his gaze to the door. That's when I heard footsteps walking down the hall, only to have them stop right in front of the room we were in.mean, Eren always looked like he had his eyes on you, wanted to make some sort of move. But today he blew it forever, and I don't want to sound rude, but I'm thankful."

"Jean, that was a little rude. But... he did blow it. Even if he never said those things, it's not like I'd date him. To be honest, I always thought you and Eren had hots for each other."

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