Part 7

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Someone knocked on the door and panic in me broke loose. Jean quickly got off me and straightened up my shirt, then grabbed my crutches off the floor. I sat up in the speed of light and quietly asked Jean to move me to a chair. He picked me up and placed me in one by the desk then went to open the door.

Levi stood on the other side, holding Eren by his shirt. His eyes scanned the room then looked at me in the chair. I tried to avoid eye contact, but that would have made me look guilty. I looked over when he chucked Eren into the room.

"He was sitting around doing nothing but being sad. Reiner told me what happened. I don't care about what is going on, but I do care if you don't work as a team and protect each other. So work it out." He turned around to leave, glancing at Jean in the process. Levi closed the door behind himself and I heard footsteps walking down the hall. I looked at Eren who was taking his time to stand up.

"Armin I'm-"

"Eren, don't start. Please." I looked at him as he finally stood up, hanging his head down. I looked over at Jean who was watching from by the door. Something told me he wanted to kick Eren out, but at the same time he looked like he was willing to give this a chance.

"Armin, I messed up. I really did. I shouldn't have said the things I did. I meant them, and that hurts more. The pain in your face it- it hurt me a lot more than I thought it would have. I wasn't thinking straight, and I'm really sorry. Could you ever forgive me?"

I stared at him and sighed. "Eren... what you said really was hurtful. We've been friends for years and years. And to think you really did find me annoying after so long? That's a stab to the heart. It's going to take time, but... I think I could forgive you."

"Armin, th-!

"IF you tell me these things from here on out. I am not going to change for you, but I want to know what you think of me. Okay?"

He nodded and walked up to me, gently grabbing one of my hands. "Of course, I won't hold anything back from you now. And that means this." He leaned in and gently kissed me. My fight or flight instincts kicked in and I pushed him away, throwing one hand out in the direction Jean was to signify to stay still.

"Eren, what in the world did you do that for??" I looked over at Jean, and I could tell he was ready to fight. Eren noticed and shrugged.

"Feel like it's long overdue. Don't worry, I'm not going to steal you from Jean, just wanted to give that to you. You said no holding anything back, so I'm wasn't going to. I don't like you that way, think of it more as a brotherly thing." He smiled and walked over to the door. Jean glared him down as he walked out without saying another word, closing the door behind him.

I sat there silently and felt my lips with the tips of my fingers. Jean stormed over and knelt down in front of me, moving my hand away from my mouth. He leaned in and deeply kissed me for a hot second then pulled away. "... You still need to eat, don't you?"

"Y-yeah, Jean? Are you jealous?"

"Of course not! I just wanted to give you a kiss right then, that's all." He walked over to my crutches and helped me up on them.

"Sure, not that I would complain if you did get jealous. It's healthy, and kind of hot."

He blushed and opened the door for me. I laughed and wobbled out of the room and back to the dining room. A few people were talking, their voices getting louder as we got closer. I walked in and saw Sasha and Connie talking about if a boulder could kill a titan or not. They got quiet as I walked in and had help sitting down.

"Armin are you walking now?" Sasha looked beyond excited. Connie smiled when I nodded and walked over to pat my back.

"I knew nothing could keep you down! Hey, are you coming to the meeting today?"

"What meeting?" I looked at them, I never was told about a meeting.

"It's to talk about what's going on with the wall and why there are titans inside yet no holes. I feel like we're going to need you there, put that brain of yours back to work."

"Oh, yeah I can be there. They'll need my brains more than ever now that we can't use my legs. Also due to the fact that this whole situation is just confusing. Where is it?"

Connie handed me a piece of paper and walked out with Sasha and a smile. They continued their conversation all the way until they were out of ear reach. I handed the paper to Jean. "We going?"

"I planned on it, we don't really have a choice. I can take you on my horse."

"Awe, you're too nice," I laughed and took the food he offered me before sitting down in the chair next to me. Jean started to eat something himself.

"Something wrong?"

"Huh? No, nothing is. Why do you ask?"

"Because you're staring at me, not that I'm complaining."

I smiled and shook my head, starting to eat the food I was given. In truth, there was one thing bothering me. Why in the world did Jean care about me so much? I feel like I'd never the true answer, and for some reason I was okay with that. I was content knowing that he cared, and I'm glad to say I care about him too.

"Hey, Jean? There is something I want to tell you."

"Huh? What's up?"

"... I love you."

He paused for a minute and stared at me, then smiled and leaned over, gently kissing me. "I love you too."

It was at that moment that I knew everything was going to be okay. Maybe I'll never be able to fight on the front lines again, maybe I'll never have two legs again. But the one thing I knew for certain was that I would always have Jean by my side, and that made me happier than I thought I could ever be. I could live like this, a life I was happy of. And that's all I have ever wanted, for many years. It wasn't the life I dreamed of as a kid, but this life beats that by a long shot. I was happy, and that's all I could have ever asked for. 

The Lost Soldier [Armin x Jean]Where stories live. Discover now