A Way Out

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We had to get out of here and tell some one about this place, oh and get Ayumi some different clothes. We got down in stealth mode and started for the stairs, but we heard talking, so we just stayed where we were at. I couldn't see why was talking, but It sounded familiar for some reason.

Ayumi: Allen? 

I snapped out of the gaze I was in and looked at Ayumi.

Me: Um yes Ayumi?

Ayumi: are you alright, you seem out of it?

Me: I'm fine Ayumi, don't worry about me, just worry about us getting out of here.

Ayumi looked at me confused and smiled, I smiled back at her and then re focused on how to get out of the house. The voices disappeared and we started going forward again, until we got to the stairs. I started climbing but Ayumi grabbed my arm.

Me: What is it?

Ayumi: Be careful.

I nodded and started climbing again quietly, but as quickly as I can. When I got to the top of the stairs to the door, I grabbed the doorknob and turned it. It wasn't locked, so I waved to Ayumi to get up here quietly, but quickly. She nodded and started heading up the stairs. The door opened and something hit me in the stomach. I flew back from the top of the stairs and hit the brick wall, going right through it as I hit it. Ayumi saw me and ran down the steps to see if I was alright, but I was in pain. I guy with Blonde hair, Blue eyes, and a black coat on started clapping his hands in applause.

???: Bravo, Bravo, that was super exciting how you got kicked all the way down here like you sister did 2 years ago and you didn't know where she was and now everyone the brother & Sister of the Shinozaki Family are reunited at once, but now you g...

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???: Bravo, Bravo, that was super exciting how you got kicked all the way down here like you sister did 2 years ago and you didn't know where she was and now everyone the brother & Sister of the Shinozaki Family are reunited at once, but now you guys are gonna stay that way down here.

The guy started laughing and I was still in pain from going through the wall. Ayumi was mad, she got up and charged at the Guy, but he just dodge it and in the meantime hitting her with a kick that sent her rolling on the ground. I watched as she just laid there hurt.

Me: you bastard.

???: Hmm...

I charged at him and he dodge it, but this time I grabbed his leg and through him into the wall, he went through it. I ran over to Ayumi, she was OK but badly hurt. I saw a guy that looked like a soldier pointed a gun, I smiled and ran to the right wall. I put my foot on the wall and slid past the guy were I was behind him, I grabbed him and snapped his neck. I picked up the gun, it was nice, I loaded it up and started walking toward Ayumi. I picked her up and put her on my back, she just held on and I held the gun in my hands. I walked up the stairs and out the door. I was in the house again instead of the basement. I walked over to the front door and I kicked it open. There was only one car outside. I ran over to the car, broke the window because it was locked and unlocked it. I opened the back door and put Ayumi in it, then I closed the door. I got in the car and the keys were gone, so I had to hot wire. It took 2 attempts. It started up and then 3 guys came out the house as I drove off. They started shooting at me, but I got away.

Later on the Road..

I was checking on Ayumi every 5 seconds to see if she was still breathing, she was, but she needs a doctor, so I need to bring her to the hospital and get her checked out.. I was driving until I got hit by a huge truck the same size as a Semi Truck, we flipped 5 or 6 times, before I passed out all I saw was two guys grabbing Ayumi and then a guy grabbing me.   

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