Heavenly Host Part 2

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Allen: ....f**k my head

Alex: Hey Allen you're finally awake, dude I've been so lost without you I kept asking what I'm going to do if my best friend that I tried to kill twice and never succeeded never woke up, I could kill you again but I had more tricks tho, you're  related to those scumbags Shinozaki's. I made Sachiko a deal and it worked, she will understand why I hate the world because it's messed up in a way, you get me.

Allen: Yea I get you, I got a question?

Alex: Yes what Is it?

Allen: Could you let me out of these chains for a bit?

Alex: And why would I do that?

Allen: oh you know, so I can beat your a** and kill you on the spot.

He started laughing I guess he likes me threating him, I would escape, find Ayumi, and the others and leave this horrible place.

Alex: Allen you are one funny guy you know that and that's why me and you are best friends till the end, hell actually after the end too we will still be best friends.

Allen: Sure my brotha after you f**king apologize to me for stabbing in the back and lying to me about my sister.

He went silent and then started laughing, he pulled a gun out of his holster and pointed it up to the side of my head. He stared right into my eyes and was in my face.

Alex: I don't got to apologize for shit, you know.

He moved back a ways and kept on going while petting his gun.

Alex: for years since I met you, you've been complaining about everything, not having a girlfriend, no job, no money, ect. I pulled the trigger and I had to do something to make it happen, but now no one is safe it's like a game out here in this school and you'll find out how spooky I can really be.

He unbuckled my chains and I fell to the ground. A guy with a microphone spoke, "we are here with the next victim I mean player in this school hunt. He has to run to the exit without getting killed."
I looked around to see 3 guys included Alex with Pistols and in front me was the hallway to the exit. I heard a gunshot and ran for my life, guns were firing and bullets were missing. I just kept running my legs couldn't keep going, but I pushed and then a bullet hit me in my right leg and I fell and rolled right out the exit. I was in pain, but I still got up and ran/limp. I opened a door and closed it really fast behind locking it, I was outside. I looked down at my leg and it was bad. My whole sock turned red and I felt dizzy. I sat down on a bench and pulled the bullet out it hurt so bad. I ripped part of my jackets sleeve and wrapped it around my leg to cover it. I got up from the bench and started walking toward another door that leads to another side of Heavenly Host. I grabbed the handle and turned it. It was open and right before I walked through a bullet went right by me, I turned around and saw Alex with his pistol coming after me. I slammed the door and started sprinting through the school, but then I tripped and landed face first on the floor, I looked at what I tripped over and it was a corpse. I gagged and got up quickly, I started running again away from the corpse. I found a classroom, I opened the door and ran in. I closed it and locked it and hid, so Alex couldn't find me.

Allen: (I hope he doesn't find me.)

I heard footsteps, so I held my breath. I heard a scream and then a gunshot following with a big thud. I guess someone just died by those f**king bastards. I heard voices.

Guy 1: Why did you kill her?

Guy 2: Because that B**ch was crazy and she was coming at me.

Alex: Guys what the f**k are you doing, we are suppose to look for Allen and not kill girls like Tanner did.

Tanner: It was an accident.

Guy 2: Bullshit, you're just saying that because you don't want to get in trouble.

Alex: Tyler calm down, you're not gonna be trouble Tanner.

Alex and Tanner shook hands and then right when Tanner turn around Alex pulled his gun out and pointed it to Tanners head and pulled the trigger making me jump, but I still stayed quite. Tanner's dead body dropped to the ground with blood flowing out of his head.

Tyler: What the F**k Alex, why did you do that?

Alex: Because he was dead weight to us and this was the perfect moment to take him out because no one in the F**king crew did, so I had to.

Tyler looked at Alex and pulled his gun out and pointed it at him.

Alex: You don't know what you are doing, so put down the gun, so we can talk about this.

Tyler just stood there and froze. I saw a gun right by the classroom window, so I slowly moved through the room and put my arm through the window. I reached until I picked up the gun and brought it in slowly. I checked the bullet count and there was 12 in it, so I loaded on in the chamber and slowly rose and pointed my gun at Alex...

Oh No Another Cliffhanger why KCZ? why? I don't know but thanks for reading


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