Side Chapter: Alex

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Hi I'm Alex, I'm 19 years old and I'm about to start college in the spring, I have 2 sisters Jessica and Vanessa. I have a half brother named Luke. I have no girl friend which isn't that bad of thing I mean I would like one but geez I'm gonna sound all depressing here but it would be nice you know, but when I was younger I use to hang out with this girl named Ayumi Shinozaki, she was very nice, very smart, and very wise. I fell in love with her, but I was two years older then her and when I turned 18 I stopped hanging out with her, I stopped taking to her. I tried to get her out of my mind but I couldn't, but I finally did, but then I had to stay with my grand parents and Ayumi went missing. I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, I was so worried but then I found out, my grandfather and grandmother kidnapped her. I couldn't do anything but just keep this to myself until I meet a guy, he was my age, he had no friends, no girlfriend, just him and his name was Allen Shinozaki, the big brother of Ayumi Shinozaki. I thought in my head maybe I could get him to help me but that's not what really happened. I became a lie and turned my back on Ayumi on him and on my family but I didn't care. He made me mad when he said Ayumi is the most precious thing in the world to him and she looks up to him. I was not gonna let no friend of mine take my dream girl away just one more year and we can be together. I set a trap and it didn't go as planned now she's gone and Allen got to pay for his sins that he committed.

A/N: hey thanks for reading I hope you enjoy this side story on what was going through Alex's mine and how his part in the story works well.

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