Alex vs Allen

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I just stood there with the gun and pointed it at Alex, Alex smiled and put his hands up.

Alex: Alright Allen you win.

He looked at me with a smile on his face and I just looked at him, I got a bad feeling in my gut and when I turned around to see what was behind me, Yoshiki hit me with a pipe and I hit the floor hard, my vision was blurry and I saw Alex laughing but I couldn't hear him. He patted my head and then it went black...

A couple minutes later...

I woke up but it was still dark, where was I? I felt someone grab the top of my head and the bag that was covering my head was taken off. Alex was standing in front of me and I was tied up.

Alex: Hey Allen, did you have a nice nap?

Allen: Yea I sure did I guess I was tired after your puppet hit me in the f**king head.

Alex: I'm sorry about that, but I had to do what I gotta do.

Allen: (Crackle) You should take this chains off and fight me instead of having your boys do it, I've been surviving, unlike you where you had to get that stupid bi**h to work for you.

After I said that, Sachiko appeared with a mean look on her face.

Allen: Oh speaking of her, hows the world treating you Sachiko?

Sachiko: F**k off Allen

Allen: I will but I'm kind of tied up at the moment.

Alex: Allen shut it, are you ok Sachiko?

Sachiko just looked at him with a sad face and walked over to the meeting table.

Sachiko: I don't think the spell worked Alex, because I tried to go to a store and no one saw me i tried picking up a fruit and my hand just went right through it.

Alex looked at me and I started humming a song. Sachiko grabbed some scissors and walked over to me. She put the scissors up to my throat and I smiled.

Allen: hey if you are gonna kill me do me one more request.

Sachiko & Alex: what is it?

Allen: you guys could f**k off.

I kicked Alex and he fell back knocking Sachiko back too. The scissors hit the rope and cut it, it was freaking cool. I jumped up and ran away. (Ayumi I'm on my way)

Sorry for the short chapter I'll write a bigger one the next one   

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