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"More than 3.5 million people have been lifted off food stamps since Trump took office.

Liberals say this is a bad thing.

I say, I would rather people be able to work for their own food than have to rely on the government.

Who agrees?"

Credits: Twitter @/ marklutchman

my response:
I agree to this to a point. When I was very young, my father broke his spine in three different spots and went into a very deep depression because he felt like he could no longer provide for his family. He had a wife and three kids, all under the age of ten, to care for. So when my mother had to go to work, she also had to get food stamps so that she would have enough money to feed us kids.
I agree that people shouldn't be allowed to sit on their lazy asses all day, smoking weed, sitting on Facebook on their brand new iPhone, just receiving money every month from the government. That then takes away from the people that really need it. People go hungry every damn day. 1 in 6 kids face hunger.
I'm almost ashamed to say that, as a kid, yes I did face it sometimes. We sometimes didn't have dinner. Because the government stopped giving us food stamps because my mother got a 25 cent raise at work. That 25 cent didn't go too far, seeing as she had to provide for five people, and sometimes more.
Even though my family didn't have much, they were always very giving. We always took kids in and gave them a better life. My parents would shop for other people's kids when they were in need of new clothes or school supplies. So, I know that there were people way far worse off than us, which saddens me even more. Because some times those people didn't even have the luxury of food stamps.
So, I think people who really can't afford anything do deserve a little help. Especially veterans, law enforcement families, people living in government homes, etc.
However, I had cousins that were also on food stamps. It was a husband, wife, and young boy. They received over 500 dollars every month. They also traded their food stamps for drugs. It was absolutely disgusting that they would rather get high instead of feeding their child whereas me and my family had to barley scrape by on 200 dollars and sometimes less from the government.
People who don't need it, abuse it. People who do need it, sometimes don't get it. Twisted, huh??

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