Feelings Are Fatal

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The room was cold and her mind empty, which was a rarity, considering the vast list of people and situations on her mind. Tandy never showed it, but she hated silence. To her, silence meant that there was a lingering fear of what could be, or what something might become. Shivering at the near thought, Tandy scrambled for her earbuds, shoving them into her ears and cranking the volume of her music so that no interruptions from the outside world could be heard. Music was often her happy place, her thinking place, and her sense of relaxation, but it never quite filled the void lying inside of her. She'd been living with her mom for roughly five months, and it was a large adjustment period for her. She was so starved of living with someone else for so many years that it felt wrong to be around her mother constantly, which also made her separate from Tyrone to a degree. She missed him and they still texted, but she felt like she was suffocating enough at home. It brought a smile to Tandy's face, however, to move back into her childhood bedroom. For once, it was a place that she could focus on the good in her life; especially her childhood with her mother and father. Tandy never had to push away the present at that moment; it would drift away and never nag her. Body letting her know of it's weariness, Tandy slumped onto the bed, letting her music and thoughts drift her into a sleepy state.

Ty, on the other hand, couldn't sleep even if he had wanted to. He was becoming particularly lonely, to say the least. Without any contact from his mother, father, Evita, or Tandy, he felt like he was going insane. With all the time on his hands in the church, he'd begun to evaluate his future, his thoughts, his reflections, and anything that he'd always pushed aside. He could turn to his parents and Evita, sure, but he knew the second he was seen with any of them, he'd get himself and them arrested and he couldn't bear to think of it. Tandy, though, was far more criminal material than he'd ever been and considering their powers, he never worried about going to see her and vice versa. She'd only visited him select times every once in a while, usually three or four times a month, but the number began to dwindle and fast as Tandy was finding her place in the world as a new, clean soul. He'd be lying if he wasn't upset that his life had taken a drastic turn, but he knew he had Tandy to help him off his feet and into something better. Tandy was mistakenly seen as ruthless, deceitful, cocky, even a criminal, but Tyrone knew all of it wasn't true; he was probably the only person who knew the real Tandy Bowen. To him, Tandy was funny, loyal, passionate, strong, and even a bit of a tease, but he didn't mind it—he liked it. He lit the candles in the church every night, just as he had watched her do. Tyrone sighed, slowly walking to his duffle bag to retrieve Tandy's ballet slipper from all those years back, studying it intently as he sat on his sleeping bag. It was moments like these that he wished he could talk to Tandy because he knew she was the only one who truly understood and would listen. Knowing Tandy wouldn't pick up her phone if he called, he let the thought die, placing his achy back on the stiff ground, loosely holding the slipper in both of his hands. Soon enough, time took over and his body overpowered his mind, lulling him to sleep. A sudden rustle made Tyrone turn, but the floor was different...it felt soft and warm. Heart beating and adrenaline kicking, he opened his eyes, but it was to the sight of a dim lit room, walls painted a gentle mauve purple. He slipped out of his sleeping bag slowly, lifting his head to the sound of gentle breathing and beats coming faintly from the bed.

He couldn't be more thankful to see it was a familiar face that he'd teleported to, but it wasn't the right time. Standing up, he moved his way to the side of the bed where she laid, lamp showing all of her features radiantly. Tyrone was going to wake her up, but he didn't think he'd ever seen Tandy look so peaceful. Smiling slightly, he gently tugged the earbuds out of her ears and turned her music off, pulling her cover over her. He was going to walk away and try to teleport back to the church, but felt a hand latch onto his, preventing him from moving any further.

"What are you doing here?" Tandy mumbled incomprehensibly while keeping her eyes closed.

"How'd you know it was me?" Tyrone half-whispered, leaning down in front of her.

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