Two Straws

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"This is so unfair!"

"It's totally fair and you know it. Somebody didn't play enough board games growing up." Tandy snickered, rattling the pieces off the game.

"I'd beat you in any outdoor activities, that's for sure."

"Really? I wouldn't get so cocky, Mr. Johnson."

"One day we'll test it out and you'll change your mind."

"Looking forward to that day." Tandy smiled, opening her vibrating phone. "Shit."

"What's wrong?"

"I've gotta go; my mom wanted me to help her get ready for her new job...clothes shopping and such." Tandy rolled her eyes, pushing herself off the floor of the rustic church.

"Alright. See you tomorrow, maybe?"

"Ty, I've seen you everyday this week for well over twelve hours a day! Maybe there's stuff I need to do."

"Right, sorry, Tan." Tyrone sighed, growing bored of the church and more fond of Tandy's presence. "Is there stuff you need to do?"

"...not really." Tandy chuckled, picking her bag up off the floor and stuffing the game board back in. "I'd invite you to join, but I don't think your idea of fun is looking for women's I wouldn't trust your sense of style."

"Fair point I guess. Maybe you could come back later?"

"Ty, it's eight. When I get done shopping it's probably gonna be ten, and by the time I get back here eleven."

"I can wait."

Tandy shook her head, but knew by the look he was giving her that she couldn't disappoint him.

"Alright, but I can't guarantee that I will stay awake."

"That's fine, you can have my sleeping bag if you want."

"You okay Ty? You're different lately."

"Well wouldn't you be if you lived here?"

"Been there, done that, and I refuse to go back so yeah, I guess so, but I had the opposite feeling: I grew to love being alone."

"It's driving me insane. Evita's only stopped by twice and you're the only person I have to depend on anymore."

"Evita? She knows you're, we're alive!?"

"Well, yeah...I texted her."

"So did you lock that down like I told you to?" Tandy wondered, half-hoping he didn't.

"Not exactly. Yeah, turns out that she's been seeing somebody since everybody thinks I'm dead or missing."

"And she openly told you that?"

"I mean we were a thing, but we were never an official thing. She had the right to move on, especially since she thought I was dead."

"I'm sorry Ty. You'll find somebody. Anyways, I'll see you later I guess." She beamed, climbing up the woodwork and onto the streets.

Tyrone shuffled, not knowing what to do with himself after Tandy had left. He'd played games on his phone, practiced on the broken down piano which was amazingly out of tune, exercised, and even walked down a few streets, but time still felt so slow. By the time it had reached 11:30, he assumed Tandy was a no show and had already gone to sleep. Sighing in defeat, Tyrone lit the candles and tossed around in his sleeping bag, wondering when Tandy would have the time to hang out again. What he hadn't told Tandy was his deep conversation with Evita, and he was beyond scared to.

Last Friday, 6:43 pm—The Church

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