I haven't cut in forever. My parents found out months back and they threatened to send me to the mental institution. Now, I want nothing more than to cut but I'm so scared of them finding out, that I don't. But, I know I will. I just keep waiting for day I turn 18 so I can cut again because when I move out, they won't see. They won't know. I'll be free... My 16th birthday is in less than a month. Just barely 2 years and I can cut again... I know it's horrible... but I just can't get it out of my head. I just want to cut. And I will. I will again, once I'm free from the fear of being shamed, or punished, or screamed at, or hated for it. I will again. I know I will... Until then, I kill myself, mentally, every night on the inside.. Until the day I turn 18 and leave this place behind.. Until then...
- Your Broken Angel
The Song of a Dead Girl
SpiritualTrigger Warning: Suicidal, Self Harm, Depression, Anxiety, etc. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.