chapter one

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"I can't believe it's our last week of summer. We're gonna be seniors Rich!"

Richie was up in his room with his girlfriend who had been reading a book at the time. She was reading the book called the shining.

"Ugh, last year at that shitty ass school. I hate that place." Richie crossed his arms, staring at the wall just thinking about life because what else was there to think about.

"Imagine though, we are going to graduate and then go off to college, then get married and-"

"Lexi, Chill. We are still young for a long time." Richie shook his head, "come on, we are not getting married right after college either. You and I both know what we're probably gonna break up anyways."

"You're such a douchebag." Lexi rolled her eyes, "I hate you."

"That's not what you told me 6 months ago..." Richie laughed.

"That's exactly what I told you 6 months ago." Lexi said, sitting up from the bed and a little further from Richie now.


February 9th, 2018

"This party blows! Where the fuck is the music? Seriously, who throws a party and doesn't even have music?!"

"Trashmouth, shut the fuck up. Last time you threw a party, it didn't even have snacks!"

Richie groaned, he didn't even know who's party this was.

"H-hey, chill out." Richies best friend said from behind him.

Richie smiled and turned around, "Bill, you fucking dick. Why'd you leave me down here with these assholes?"

"I just went to the b-b-bathroom. Anyways, there's that g-girl in one of those rooms p-p-puking her guts out. I walked in and she s-screamed as if I was going to f-f-fucking m-murder her or something." Bill stuttered out, but then winked after.

"Who is it?" Richie asked, smug look on his face.

"That one g-girl in your m-math class." Bill smirked.

"Dude, that's not funny." Richie rolled his eyes, "what if she needs help or something?"

"T-then go be her l-l-lord savior. I'm gonna go find B-Ben and M-mike. Did B-b-Beverly end up coming a-after all by the way?" Bill asked, just as he was gonna leave.

"Nah, she's sick with the flu." Richie shrugged and Bill nodded.

"A-alright, go get the girl R-rich." Bill laughed.

Richie glared at bill as he walked away. He quickly ran up the stairs and checked every room to find this girl Bill was talking about.

This girl happened to be Richie's crush. Of course he was going to freak out after what Bill just told him.

He found her laying in a bed, crying really badly.

Richie was hesitant but walked over the the girl. Her shirt was stained with puke and it smelled horrible but Richie didn't seem to mind.

"Hey... Umm, Alexis?" Richie asked softly.

She quickly sat up, looked at Richie, then wiped her eyes.

"Yes?" She asked, frown on her face.

"Are you okay?" Richie asked, sitting down on the bed next to her.

"No I'm not fucking okay. I don't know. I think I'm just really drunk." Lexi said with a small laugh.

"Oh, okay. I'm glad you're not hurt-"

"Anyways my name is Alexis... Alexis kaspbrak. You can call me Lexi for short." Lexi said completely cutting Richie off.

"Yeah, I know your name. I walked in here and ask you if you were okay and I'm pretty sure I said your name." Richie said with a laugh.

"Right.... oh my gosh, yeah you're right." Lexi said, shaking her head as she felt stupid.

"Yeah well, I'm Richie-"

"Yeah, I know who you are. You're that douchebag who wouldn't give me a pencil in math." Lexi said with a small smile.

Richie pened his mouth to speak, "I didn't- I didn't have another pencil."

"I'm just messing with you." Lexi said with a chuckle, "I like you. I dont usually like people but you seem cool."

"Umm.. yeah so.. do you wanna go out some time?" Richie asked with a shaky tone.

"Considering you came in here to make sure I was okay. Probably smelled the puke and didn't walk away.... you seem like a gentleman. I'll take you up on that date." Lexi said with a smile.

"Okay, great!" Richie said with a large smile.

"Gentleman douchebag. That's what you are." Lexi laughed.


"Gosh, that party sucked." Richie laughed.

"It was the best party I've ever been to." Lexi smiled, "it's where we officially met. Where you asked me out."

"Yeah, that happened too." Richie smiled, wrapping an arm around his girlfriend's shoulder.

What's the furthest this couple has gone? They've been together for 6 months and haven't done anything past kissing. Like full on make out sessions. Other than that, Richie is still a Virgin, Lexi is still a Virgin.

Richies family, known as the wheelers, Richie's half family, has met Lexi already. Half family? Well the Tozier Twins, Richie Tozier and mike Tozier both came from the father with the Tozier name. That father died and so Karen wheeler went on to marry a new man, in which he had a daughter, Nancy wheeler, the Tozier twins step-sister.


"Oh my gosh babe! This Friday, you are coming to meet my family!" Lexi cheered, throwing her book to the side.

"Why is that?" Richie asked in a nervous tone, "I don't think I'm ready to meet them."

"Well, they want to meet you. Oh my god, you can meet my little brother! You guys can be like best friends!" Lexi exclaimed, obviously excited.

"You have a brother?" Richie asked, unaware of this.

"Yeah, I do. His name is Eddie and he's 15. He's going to our highschool this year as a sophomore." Lexi explained.

"Why didn't he go for freshman year?" Richie asked, interested in this topic for some reason.

"Oh, he came out as gay in middle school. He got bullied for it and begged our mom to be homeschooled. So he was homeschooled all of freshman year but complains about how it's boring. So now he changed his mind and is going to school with us! How exciting!" Lexi finished explaining.

"Most people are not exactly excited to be going to school with siblings." Richie said, eyebrows raised.

"Yeah well, how you are with mike is exactly how I am with Eddie." Lexi said and Richie nodded.

"Fair enough. I meet them this Friday?" Richie asked with a smile.

"Well I have to make sure with my parents first. Either way, you're going to meet them before school next week!" Lexi said, excited about this.

"Okay, I guess it'll be fun." Richie slowly nodded.

"Don't be nervous, they'll love you!" Lexi smiles as she jumped up from the bed, "anyways, I'm gonna go home. It's getting late."

Richie nodded, "yeah okay, get going home, don't let any guys stare at your ass it's late outside and I'll come fuck people up."

Lexi giggles, but didn't even give Richie a kiss before she left. She just left.

It was pretty obvious that she was really excited for this event happening on Friday.

Meanwhile, Richie was nervous as hell.

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