chapter two

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Alexis had asked her mom about a dinner with her boyfriend for tomorrow. Of course they said yes and so she texted Richie saying the dinner was on. Richie wanted to mentally throw himself off a cliff being as nervous as he is. He doesn't want to let his anxiety get to him but he feels like it might.

Meanwhile, Lexi has walked into the garage. It was one of those garages where there's no car in it. There's just a couch and a tv and a bunch of magazines on a table with board games. This was her brothers hang out spot in this house.

Eddie was sat with Stan as Stan was having a match in fortnite.

"Hey you little shits! Turn it down!" Lexi yelled over the sound of a gun fight going on.

Eddie groaned but did as his sister asked, lowering down the volume.

"Hey, its your hot ass sister." Stan laughed, eyes still on the tv screen.

"If you want me to kick your ass, I will young man." Lexi told Stan who caused him to laugh even more.

"What do you want Alexis?" Eddie asked in a polite tone so she could leave faster. She tends to embarrass Eddie whenever he's around his friends...

Well friend, Stan is his only friend.

"I'm just letting you know that my boyfriend is coming over for dinner tomorrow so you have to dress nice and you can't invite little Stan over here." Lexi informed Eddie and he groaned.

"You actually have a boyfriend? I thought he didn't exist!" Eddie rolled his eyes.

"He does exist so-"

"Son of a fucking ass bitch! How the fuck does he get two shots on me and then I'm dead! What the fuck!" Stan yelled out, losing his game that he was playing.

"Hah, told you you're shit at the game." Eddie chuckled, taking the controller from him.

"Fuck you, I'm better than your bitch ass." Stan shook his head.

"Guys!" Lexi yelled, "I'm still here!"

Eddie sighed, looking up at his sister, "yeah, I heard you. Dress nice and no stan tomorrow."

"Good." Lexi said, "keep that tv down, I can hear it from my room."

Eddie nodded before she left the garage.

"Why is she such a bitch, I was just complimenting her." Stan laughed.

"Obviously she does not like 15 year olds." Eddie rolled his eyes as he started another round of fortnite.

"So if she doesn't want me, I'll just talk to her best friend. Beverly." Stan smirked.

"I'm pretty sure she doesn't want you either. Maybe you're gay." Eddie joked.

"If I was gay, I'd probably be dating you." Stan rolled his eyes.

"Ew no. That's gay." Eddie shook his head.

"No shit. It's just a joke." Stan smiled, "now hurry up and die. I wanna play!"


"Stop fucking cheating! Are you fucking colorblind? The color is red, not green!"

"But look at the number. Same number you whore!"


Richie was sat in his living room playing uno with Bill, Ben and mike.

You could say they were having a guys night.

"W-who ever wins has to buy us t-t-tickets to a m-movie tomorrow." Bill said out of the blue.

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