chapter four

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"Eds you okay?"

"Don't call me eds"

Eddies grip on Richies arm tightened. They had been watching Nightmare on Elm Street. Eddie was pretty cuddled up close to Richie, too afraid to move.

In Richies mind, maybe Eddie just didn't pick the right movie to watch and that's why he was getting like this.

But in Eddie's mind, he knows he's afraid of scary movies. This was just an excuse to get cuddled up with his sisters boyfriend. Sisters boyfriend.

Okay so maybe Eddie found him hot, who wouldn't want to cuddle with someone who's hot? But you can think someone's hot without having a crush on them....


"Why can't I call you Ed's?" Richie asked, a small chuckle escaping his lips.

"Because my name is Eddie and not eds!" Eddie whined, pushing Richies head playfully, "you've got a lot of hair."

"It's one of my specialties, you like it?" Richie smirked, looking over at Eddie. Eddie was blushing, a deep red. Richie had just noticed it.

Eddie shook his head and lay his head on Richies shoulder, "cut it or birds will want to live there." He says and reaches down for Richies hand, "you know what they say about big hands-"

"Feet. It's you know what they say about big feet, it means big dick." Richie corrected him, but Eddie shushed him.

"It's the same thing shut up!" Eddie said a bit too loudly.

"Shhh your sister is asleep you loud ass baby." Richie chuckled and leaned a bit more into Eddie, not exactly realizing he had did that.

Eddie blushed again... it was the name baby. Even if it was being used against him... still, Richie called him baby.

"She's a heavy sleeper-"

Speak of the devil, Alexis had just walked down, she wasn't actually asleep yet.

"What the fuck is all that yelling, Eddie, hang up the phone with Stan, mom is sleeping and if she wakes up because you can't be quiet- what the fuck is this?" Lexi had finally walked into the living room, looking at Eddie and then Richie in disbelief.

Eddies eyes widened, his heart beating a little faster than normal. Richie stood up, a blush on his cheeks.

"Uh Eddie was scared and wanted to watch a movie so I stayed to... keep him company." Richie quickly explains, walking over to Lexi.

"N-no, you were cuddling with him... that's my little brother Richie what the fuck?!" She slaps him over the head.

Eddie turns the tv off, he runs past them both and goes to his room. He was upset, he always does this when he's upset. He felt tears welling up in his eyes and he stomped his feet when he was inside of his room. But then he realized, he just needed to get Lexi's phone for the meantime.

Eddie grabbed his phone, he walked into Lexi's room after making sure she and Richie were still downstairs talking. He spotted her phone on her nightstand and he walked over, quickly grabbing it. She didn't have a lock on her phone because she trusted anyone with it, she also had nothing to hide. Plus she's only got screenshots of memes from all of her fandoms in her camera roll, she wasn't the type to take nudes and such. He quickly gets Richies contact into his own phone and then he set Lexis phone down. He walked back to his own room and smiled to himself.

Meanwhile, Alexis and Richie were still downstairs... talking.

"Look I was just bonding with him, it wasn't anything more than that." Richie continuously tried to explain to her.

"He was flirting with you the whole day today. He's 15. You just turned 17 Richie." Lexi rolled her eyes, her arms crossed now.

"Okay and I took it as a joke, I love you. I don't have anything with your little brother okay?" He sighed, staring down at his feet.

"Maybe he should meet mike" Alexis suggested.

It was genius, the idea. If Eddie had thought Richie was so hot then flirting with the twin brother wouldn't be so hard right?

"Mike already has a crush." Richie says and looks up to her, "plus, Eddie doesn't need a boyfriend. He's only 15. He and I were just talking and watching a movie and maybe we started cuddling but it wasn't in a romantic way. Do you trust me?"

Alexis nodded, "of course I trust you."

"So then believe me." He says and looks up to her again.

She sighed but nodded, "okay fine. I believe you." She whispered, taking a step forward to kiss his cheek, "now get going home. It's late."

"I'll see you tomorrow baby." Richie said before hugging her gently. He then made his way for the door, Lexi waved at him before he left. She sighed and walked over, making sure the door was locked.

She cleaned up around the living room, Sonia didn't like when the house was messy. After that, she walked upstairs and by Eddies room. She stood by the door and looked at her little brother who was curled up in his blankets, probably watching YouTube on his phone.

"Eddie I'm sorry, for assuming stuff." She said, causing Eddie to look up at her.

"It's fine, I just don't know why you'd think I'm trying to mess with your boyfriend." Eddie rolled his eyes, he was pissed. Anyone could tell.

Alexis sighed and walked over, sitting by his bed, "you can blame yourself for making me think that. All the flirting today, and then I walk down to see you two cuddling? You can't blame me for thinking otherwise. But I do apologize for getting the wrong idea and I think it's adorable you were trying to bond with him. Like I said, I think you're gonna be good friends."

"I think we're gonna he good friends too." Eddie sat up and tilted his head, "that's exactly what I was doing. I was bonding with him. But he's yours, never mine. Plus I don't even want a boyfriend." He shrugged, giggling softly.

"Yeah you continue playing video games and doing your thing, boys can be asses." Lexi giggles along with him, then calms down after a bit. "So we're cool?"

"Yeah we're cool.... I just wanna know, when's he coming over again?" Eddie was just teasing now, but Alexis knew it was just fun and games.

"Oh you shush and go to bed. I love you." She smiles and kisses his forehead.

"I love you too, goodnight." He replies and lay back down, getting underneath his blankets.

Alexis smiled and got up. She looked around eddies room, not for any reason, just... she likes how Eddie has decorated it. Then she walked back to her own room. She didn't notice her phone was moved, she only went back to reading a story she had been reading before.

Back in Eddie's room, Eddie didn't exactly go to sleep. He just went back on his phone. He felt his heart beating, his paranoia beginning to get to him. Alexis won't know...

Eddie quickly set a password up on his phone that way he knows Alexis couldn't go through it.

And then he did the unthinkable.

New message to "Richie"

Eddie: hey, it's cuter sibling kaspbrak ;)


Eddie bit his lip, waiting for a reply. It had said seen but he hoped Richie was just typing a message back. Then his phone buzzed and he was quick to look at it.

Richie: hey cute stuff

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