chapter six

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The first day of school for Eddie was mediocre at best. He was a bit embarrassed with himself and felt like an idiot. The boy was currently walking with his best friend Bill to his place, any way to avoid confrontation with his big sisters boyfriend. All he could think about was the fact he gave him a kiss on the cheek. How fucking stupid of him.

Eddie had planned to tell Bill about what was happening, he told him everything and he did not know if he could bare to hold this secret. The secret being he was quite literally crushing on his sisters boyfriend. Once the two made it in, they went up to Bills room.

"E-ed's you were s-s-silent the entire walk. What's g-going on?" Bill asked the other as he tossed his backpack to the side and sat on his bed.

Eddie sat on the floor, his legs crossed and he pulled his phone out, letting his sister know he was at Bills. He then looked up at Bill before speaking, "Something fucked up is happening Bill."


Richie was quite popular at their high school. He got along with mostly everyone, and then there was bowers gang. A bunch of fucking losers who think it's cool to mess with all of the freshman. He made a promise to Alexis that if they tried to touch Eddie in any way, he'd fucking kill them.

After school had wrapped up, he met up with his girlfriend at her locker and gave her a kiss on the lips. "Hey baby." he smiled at the girl, helping her with the books she was holding.

Alexis smiled and picked her bag up off the ground, "always been such a gentleman. Hey have you seen my brother? he's not texting me back." She said and closer her locker.

"I haven't seen him since earlier. I'm sure he's just with his friends." Richie reassured her. She was worried for good reason. She was a good sister.

Alexis nodded in agreement, knowing if something happened or he got into a fight his first day or anything, their mother would kill the both of them. "Will you drive me home? I would walk but-"

"Of course I will, what kind of silly question is that?" Richie chuckled before wrapping his free arm around her shoulder and walked her out to the student parking lot. He helped her into the passengers seat and set her books down on her lap before going over to the drivers seat and immediately began to drive. Looking over, he noticed she kept checking her phone. He couldn't blame her though. Sometimes he would get worried he'd come home and his brother would be all busted. That gang seriously is no joke.

The ride was silent with only the sound of the radio playing softly in the background. Richie almost wanted to tell Alexis to tell her brother to tone it a bit down with the flirty stuff. As much as Richie didn't really mind it... he didn't want Alexis to see something she wouldn't like. He decided to not say anything though as she was too worried about him right now. That was until she gasped as her phone went off.

"Thank fucking god." She sighed in relief, "He's just at his friend Bill's."

"See I told you baby. Relax okay?" Richie said, reaching over to rub her thigh comfortingly. The girl was shaking. She had anxiety which Richie knew about so little gestures like these calmed her. "Also I would get off with you but I gotta get home. My mom wasn't too happy this morning with my brother and I."

"Shit, what did you idiots do?" Alexis giggled as she got her bag, getting ready to get off since they were on her street now.

"uhh, let's just say Mike is the idiot. he was cooking last night and almost set the kitchen on fire. House is also just a mess." The mike being an idiot part was true, and Richie wasn't actually in trouble. He really just wanted to go home and rest. Richie went ahead and parked so that Alexis could get off. "Here's your stop my lady."

"Thank you babe. I'll see you tomorrow then?" She said before leaning over to peck his lips gently. "I love you."

"Of course. I love you too. I'll call you later." Richie said and smiled as he watched her get off the car and run up to her front door.

Before Richie drove off, he took his phone out and pulled up his texts with Eddie. He sighed as he knew exactly what he needed to do.

Richie: Hey Ed's. How did your first day of school go? Just checking in. Also when you're available, we should talk. Let me know...


Eddie had told Bill everything going on. Bills advice ended up being to just avoid Richie at all costs. He met the sisters boyfriend, he was polite. That did not mean he had to become his friend. Bill was right. Eddie hated that he was right because he didn't know what it was. He wanted to get to know Richie more. There was just something so intriguing about him.

Eddie and Bill were now sat playing video games, arguing about who is better at it, doing what teenage boys do. That was until Eddie's phone buzzed in his pocket. He went to look at his phone and noticed a message from not only his sister, but Richie as well. He read the message from Richie and almost rolled his eyes at it.

"Bill, he just texted asking how my first day was then says we need to have to talk after. I don't want to deal with it." Eddie sighed and threw himself back on the bed.

"Then d-don't deal with it. You don't owe him anything." Bill shrugged, not really knowing what to tell Eddie as he hadn't been in a situation like that before.

"This is fucking stupid." Eddie groaned and stared up at the ceiling thinking about what he could do. It was blatantly obvious to him about what the talk was going to be about. Surely Richie would say something along the lines of, 'Eddie you do too much, tone it down or I won't hang out with you.'

Eddie was embarrassed enough as it is. He always does too much. He says the wrong thing. He does the wrong thing. His sister was the opposite. She always said the right thing and did the right thing! In every universe, he'd never be like his sister. She's perfect. Eddie didn't understand it.

"Okay but hear me out Bill. What if... what if, Richie is actually gay?"

"Why w-would he be gay Eddie?" Bill said in a laugh. "H-he is d-d-dating your sister."

Eddie rolled his eyes and sat up. Bill didn't understand it from Eddie's point of view. Richie cuddled with him. Richie blushed when Eddie kissed his cheek. That does not happen if he's straight, surely?

Eddie was reading into it a lot. Yet again, Bill is right. Why would he be dating Eddie's sister.

Eddie sighed and pulled out his phone to respond to Richie. He might as well get it over with.

Eddie: Hey Richie. school was fine! made some new friends. and sure we can talk. when, how, and where?

Eddie turned his phone off immediately. He only had to wait about two minutes for a response though. That was quick.

Richie: Stop by mine before you head home. I know you're at a friends because your sister said. So here's my address [___] should be on the way to yours.

Eddie read the message and stood up. He grabbed his bag off the ground and looked at Bill. "Um, I gotta go. My mom wants me home for dinner and it's almost dinner time."

"o-okay Ed's. Good l-luck with everything." Bill smiled and watched as Eddie sprinted out of his room.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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