chapter three

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Friday, 4 pm.

"Okay, I've got an hour to get ready. Richie's gonna be here at 5." Lexi said as she jumped up from her bed.

Beverly, her best friend, was sat on the bed. They had been reading magazines all afternoon.

"Do you need me to leave?" Beverly asked as she sat up.

"Not for another thirty minutes. Can you help me find something to wear?" Lexi asked and before Beverly could answer, her brother walked in.

"Hello bitches. Do I look cute enough for this stupid dinner thing? Lexi told me to look cute." Eddie said as he walked in.

He was wearing blue overalls, white vans, and a light pink shirt under. He was really into the color of pink at the moment. Even had some lipgloss on.

"Take the lipgloss off, you look cuter than me!" Lexi said as she shoved Eddie out of her room.

"Hey Eddie!" Beverly called out.

"Hey Beverly!" Eddie yelled back, "I'm not taking my lipgloss off." He told his sister.

"Ugh, fine. Stans not here is he?" Lexi asked, crossing her arms.

"No, I told him he couldn't come over. Don't worry. But why does Beverly get to come over." Eddie asked with a pout.

"Because I said so. Now go help mom or something." Lexi said before closing the door in Eddies face.

"Wow, he seems very confident." Beverly giggled, "which is a good thing of course."

"Why? Because of what he's wearing?" Lexi asked as she took out a bunch of dresses she could possibly wear tonight.

"Not a lot of guys would wear pink willingly." Beverly said, "oooh, that black dress is cute." She pointed at one dress Lexi had just threw onto the bed.

"Guys can wear pink. Gay, straight, whatever they are, they can wear pink. It's just a color. I'm proud of Eddie, he used to be so scared of wearing what he wanted to wear. Now he doesn't give a fuck about what anyone thinks of him." Lexi said before trying on the dress Beverly had just told her was cute.

"You said he was bullied in middle school right?" Beverly asked with a frown.

"Yeah. He was." Lexi nodded.

"He's gonna be okay going to the actual highschool this year?" Beverly asked, just showing that she was indeed worried for Eddie.

"Like I said before, he does not give a fuck about what anyone thinks of him anymore." Lexi said with a smile before turning around, "now how does this look?"

"Cute cute. It's a little short though." Beverly said, eyeing the dress up and down.

"What? No it isn't, it literally is down to my knees." Lexi said looking down, "or mid thigh. Yeah nevermind. It makes me look fat anyways."

"It does not!" Beverly immediately defended.

"Just help me find another dress will you darling?" Lexi chuckled, searching through the pile of clothes on her bed.


About an hour later, Beverly had left. Lexi was doing her hair and makeup after what took forever to find a dress. She decided she wanted to match with her brother and wore a pink dress.

She ended up having to text Richie telling him to wear something nice because she totally forgot to tell him what type of dinner it was. He was set on coming casually dressed but she told him to settle with something more classy. Even if it was just a button up shirt.

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