chapter five

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Eddies eyes nearly bulged out of his head when he got this reply. Surely Richie had only been joking, but no one ever called Eddie cute stuff. Eddie was flustered, his hands shaky as he very so quickly replied.

Eddie: miss ya already!

Richie was in his own bed when he got this response. Him calling Eddie cute stuff was a risk, but he really did think the little monster was cute. However, he didn't want Eddie to think he was flirting with him.

Richie: Already? it's only been a couple hours bub

Eddie: well it's been a couple hours too long

Richie smiled at his phone and sighed, why was he getting some feeling at the bottom of his stomach. He shook his head and decided to send one more message before going off to bed.

Richie: I'm gonna head off to sleep, you should to. i'll come over later during the week. come find me on me on monday for your first day at school :)

Once he sent that message, he turned his phone off and put it to charge before going to bed.

Eddie read the message and sent a goodnight text back before also turning his phone off. He fell asleep that night holding his phone to his chest and a wide smile spread across his face.

Alexis was sat in her room, still reading stories on her phone and wondered what Richie was doing. He usually sent her goodnight messages so she was really staying up for that but when she never got one, she assumed he fell asleep. She sighed and eventually went to sleep as well.


Monday morning

Richie groaned at the sound of his alarm going off. It was the first day back and Richie was finally a Senior. He got up out of bed and quickly went to take a shower. He played music through his phone and sang fairly loudly, luckily his parents weren't home. But his siblings were and he did not want to face them today.

When he finished his shower, he got dressed in a white t-shirt, a floral opened button up, some black ripped jeans and some converse. He put his glasses on and went to brush his teeth as well as put deodorant and cologne on before he was finally ready. He grabbed his backpack and headed downstairs when he was stopped by his twin brother.

"Bro you're driving to school!" Mike yelled, stuffing his face with an apple.

Richie rolled his eyes and grabbed the keys, "fuck off why do I always have to drive?"

Mike shrugged and laughed, "because i'm not gonna drive so unless you wanna take the bikes to school, that's your choice."

Richie sighed and nodded, "alright fine. wheres Nancy?" he asked.

"She's having a sleepover at Jonathan's house. she might not come back if they're banging." Mike shrugs and laughs.

Richie shook his head and walked out with him, "stop being gross, I know you sext with his brother every day."

Mike tilted his head, "I'm not gay how many times do I have to tell you?" he rolled his eyes and got into the car.

Richie laughed and shrugged, "Okay whatever you say buddy" he says before he gets into the car and drives off to school.

In the Kaspbrak household, Eddie was up bright and early and immediately checked his phone. He had no texts from Richie and he sighed. The last time the two texted was Friday.  This really bummed Eddie out. He thought that maybe Friday was really a one time thing. Would they actually be able to hang out again?

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