Chapter 4

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*Anya's pov*

The next morning I wake up and roll over to realise James isn't lying next to me. Huh? Oh yeah he had that "early morning rehearsal!" For his futureboy gig on Saturday. I lie in bed for a while, curled up in the sheets and I hear my phone buzz. I pick it up. It's a text from James.

Hey babe, sorry I had to leave so early this morning! Can't wait to see you tonight though! Xxxxxxxxxxx

I laugh and send a quick text back:

Me neither sweetie, this show better be damn good with all the time your spending away from me! Xxxxxx

I get a quick reply:

Oh I think it will be! Xxxxx

I was about reply back when I realised I had 17 new voicemails. Seventeen!!! I click on the calls button and my heart sinks. They're all from Dougie. That must of been why I heard my phone beeping last night while James and I were downstairs. But he was staying at Danny and Freddie's place so surely they kept him under control?

I dial the voicemail number and wait for the automatic voice to finish saying "you have seventeen new messages bla bla bla..." At this point the actual messages can't come any sooner!
I finally get to dougies actual messages and not one of them makes sense! They're either angry things about love or completely random things like this one saying.
"I'm just calling to tell you I found the hair clip"
What is that? I listen to the background noises and the tone of his voice and it hits me. Oh god. Oh my god! This is all my fault! I can't believe I did this to him! I feel my eyes fill with tears.
I quickly put on decent clothes and run downstairs. I run 4 streets away and get to danny and Freddie's house. I stop and bend down being unbelievably out of breath and the wind has dried my tears. I ring the doorbell and wait. My thoughts are swimming all over the place and then danny comes to the door. "Hey Anya what's up!"
I try to catch my breath. "Can I come in?" I ask.
"Yeah sure! Freddie's been wanting to talk for ages even though you only saw her two days ago! Oh and Aimee's here!"
Aimee is dannys friend. She comes some places with the gang and she's really sweet. Most of the time

I Walk inside best I can, feeling the stitch I got from all the running. I really need to get into shape!
I walk into the living room and expect to see Dougie sleeping on the sofa. But all I see is Freddie and Aimee sitting there talking. Freddie sees me and immediately jumps up and and hugs me. "What wrong sweetie?" She says. She always knows how I'm feeling. I didn't even have to tell her! At this point I start to break down In front of the whole jones household.
Freddie leads me out of the room and sits me down. "Anya. What happened?" She says looking really concerned. But all that's going on in my mind right now is- "where's Dougie?" I ask quite impatiently.
Freddie looks down. "I take it that he told you..." I look at her
"Yes. It was horrible. I don't know how this could of happened!"

"We'll he's actually felt like this for a long time, it's been getting him pretty depressed." She explains in a calm tone.
"That's what I'm worried about." I say
"What do you mean?" She puts her arm around me.
"Last night, he told me he was coming to stay here. And he's not here... And then I got loads of strange voicemails from him. And I can't help thinking he's been..." Freddie completely understands me. "Oh gosh! Well he didn't come here last night. Lemme ask danny."
She calls for danny and he comes through. "Danny babe, did you hear anything from Dougie last night?"
He looks at me deeply and I know that he did. He must of. "Erm yeah actually... He called. 'E was erm telling me about what happened." He looks at me and then at the floor. And tears start streaming down my face again. Freddie leans in and hugs me.
"Yeah, I erm offered for him to come stay here but he said he just wanted be go home and be alone." At this point I get up. "Oh my god!" The rest of them don't know what I'm talking about. Aimee comes in. " Anya I heard. I know that must of been hard on you." I look at danny and know that he must of told Aimee. Which really isn't a problem because we're friends but it makes you wonder how many people actually knew before i did! I look around.
"Can I borrow a car please?" I say and break the silence. They all look at each other "sorry sweetie, ours is in repair." Says danny. All eyes turn to Aimee. She brings her car keys out of her bag and I grab them and hug her. "Thanks so much!" I say, so greatful at this point and run out while being bombarded with hugs.
I get into her car and start it. I'm aware that I'm going slightly over the speed limit but it doesn't matter right now. I spot dougies house and pull the brakes. This car is seriously difficult to use! I slam the doors and run towards dougies house. I press the doorbell once. No answer. I can feel the tension building inside of me and and i want to burst into tears. I press the doorbell again. Still no answer so I keep, repeatedly pressing it and finally Dougie opens the door with his face crinkled up and his hand on his head. His eyes open wider when he noticed its me. "Oh hey Anya." He says in a clearly exhausted voice. I don't reply as nicely "what the hell Dougie!" Comes flowing out of my mouth. "What?" He says in alarm.
I storm inside and start yelling in a 'fighting back tears' kinda way.
"Seventeen voicemails! Seventeen! And not one of them made sense. Now your coming to the door with a hangover and... You told me you were staying at dannys last night!"
He cuts me off. "What's the big deal?"
I look at him in amazement and start to cry. "Dougie... I did this to you. You've been so so good for years! And now I have to come along and screw Things up! You can't do this Dougie! Your a recovering alcoholic for crying out loud!"

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