➵ 0.2

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"so the two of you are dating?" renjun asks after their little talk and the two boys both nod. "great, i just became a third wheel on my first day here." he says with a sigh and the two of them just laugh.

"you know... you don't have to be a third wheel." jaemin says, a smirk plastered on his face.

"he's right, you don't have to if you don't want to." jeno adds, a smirk also visible in his face.

"and what am i supposed to be? your second boyfriend?" the chinese male chuckles jokingly until he saw the two boys in front of him give him a serious look. he widens his eyes at the realization. "oh no."

"oh yes." jaemin spoke in a seducing manner, gaining a flustered and blushing renjun.

renjun didn't know what had gotten into him but he felt his heart skip a beat at the thought of dating the couple.

"n-no way, not in a million years." renjun denied while looking down with a red face, flustered at the eyes that were piercing through his pale skin.

he heard the two boys in front of him laugh and look at them with a confused face, brows furrowed and lips curved into a small but cute pout.

"i can't believe you fell for that." jeno stated after calming down from how hard he was laughing, hitting a poor jaemin in the process.

"w-what?" renjun asked in disbelief with widened eyes while blushing a darker shade of red.

"we were joking, you don't have to go out with us." jaemin responded with a small smile.

"unless you want to, of course." jeno added, looking away with a red face at his own words.

"i-i-" ugh, snap out of it renjun, you barely know them.

"oh also, i forgot to tell you." jaemin broke his train of thoughts before continuing. "there's only one bedroom since the other one is actual hell, seriously the floor almost fell when we stepped on it." he whispered the last part before he continued. "so either you sleep on our bed or you sleep on the floor." he stated, rubbing his nape in embarrassment.

"can't i just sleep on the couch?"

"well, yeah but you see-" a loud squeak cut jeno's sentence off.

it was a rat.

a loud high-pitched scream could be heard as a scared renjun jumped up the couch until the rat was gone.

"awww" the two boys coo at the embarrassed renjun that was still jumping on the couch.

"shu- shut up..." he says, finally calming down from the commotion he made and sitting down on the couch, head down and face as red as a rose.

did y'all think that they were going to date just like that? yeah, not in my house.

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