➵ 2.4

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it has officially been a week since the three roommates started going out together. they didn't have much time to go out due to their schedules but every time spent together, every single second, was precious to them.

they would often just stay in bed and cuddle, talk about their day, talk about what they love about each other, their stories, how they found out about their feelings, if they're happy. all of their conversations have all been positive so far but there were some serious ones such as renjun talked about his story in china and how important art was to him, jeno about how he got bullied for being good looking and being called a narcissist even though he even doubted his looks and jaemin about how dance made him stronger, physically and mentally. all in all, they loved spending time together.

renjun's room was as good as new but he refused to sleep there for he wanted to be with his two lovers. he would often go to his room just to think whenever the couple were still in class and started to decorate his room to his desire. he painted his walls in a black and white theme, using multiple shades of grey to create a beautiful scenery on his huge canvas and hung up the portraits he made in a frame. he was going for an empty and foggy forest with tall trees and some flowers at the bottom, highlighting the red roses for a special effect but his masterpiece was not yet complete.

as for jaemin and jeno's room, the two had let renjun paint their room too. it was all plain and white and sickening, so renjun decided to paint a simple mocha brown brick wall illusion to add some color to the room. that only took him a few hours with the help of his lovers.

it was now saturday and they decided to celebrate their first one week anniversary of being together. and so they decided to go on their very first date, coex mall. it was simple but they all agreed on that. and plus, jeno and jaemin were planning something special for renjun after.

nomin had told their friends not to bother them on that very special day and they do as told, with jisung trying to shut the fangirling chenle up.

once arrived, they first head to the aquarium. the two youngest have secretly planned the whole day out and booked everything needed. they enter after handing the tickets and renjun's eyes instantly lit up in fascination.

"woah..." he mumbled and the both of his lovers chuckle at his small figure cutely running to see the small fishes, sardines to be exact, creating a small wave illusion. they follow him and watch the fishes dance around in the clear blue water.

they walk along the glass-surrounded pathway, fishes and other sea creatures swimming in the water. stingrays, sharks, jellyfish and even small nemos and dorys.

not only renjun but the other two were very fascinated by the sights as well. they took pictures and videos and jaemin even took a picture of renjun smiling with brightly shining eyes while looking at the waddling penguins. renjun seemed to have heard the flash and quickly turned to the younger with a cute shocked expression before trying to snatch his phone away as jaemin just holds it up so renjun can't reach it. jeno was watching in amusement and took a picture of the both of them, more precisely renjun with his arm stretched up on his toes to reach the younger's phone. thankfully, jeno's flash was off.

after a few more minutes of trying to get the youngest's phone, renjun gave up and sulked with his arms crossed. he doesn't like being captured in pictures. he walked off as jaemin and jeno giggled at his behaviour and followed him.

renjun couldn't stay mad at jaemin for too long so when he saw that the younger was only talking and smiling with jeno, he got a bit jealous and back-hugged him, making jaemin smile and turn around to properly hug him.

"missed me?" jaemin asked while looking straight into renjun's dark brown orbs as the older looks away flustered with crimson red cheeks.

"n-no..." he denied but still hugged his boyfriend tighter. jaemin only chuckles and so does jeno who was right in front of them. jeno decided to let them be since he still thought that he didn't fit in with them until he felt a hand pull on the bottom of his shirt. he turned around to see renjun looking at him and suddenly pulling his shirt, pulling him into the hug as well which made jeno smile widely, his smile reaching to his now crescent moon shaped eyes.

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