➵ 2.1

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"what happened up there?"

"and why are you all crying?"

the three roommates, who were now a couple, just got out of their ferris wheel booth after their little confessions. they were met by the two couples happily minding their own business until mark suddenly decided to point out something.

they all turn to them and donghyuck decided to continue by asking a question. the three were flustered and hadn't even noticed that they, jeno and jaemin, were also crying of joy. renjun only stayed frozen until the confident jaemin decided to explain after wiping his stray tears.

"we..." he said while snaking his arms around his boyfriends' waists. "are now dating." he smiled widely and received four kinds of reactions. renjun and jeno stayed frozen and flustered with a red face, chenle was a screaming mess, donghyuck was shocked and had his jaw dropped and the oldest and youngest were just stood there, confused and processing what the couple had just said.

"my shiiiippp~" chenle was freaking out now and renjun decided to shut him up by taking both his hands and locking them behind his back while covering his mouth from behind. the younger licked his hand but he was used to it so he had no specific reaction. he decided to let him go and covered his ears again, just like when they first arrived.

"yah! are you crazy!?"

"crazy for us." jaemin stated from behind before back hugging the older tightly and chenle only squealed once he saw how red renjun was. jeno only watched them and smiled lovingly.

"hey, aren't you going to join them?" mark encouraged the younger while hanging his arm around his shoulder. jeno only shook his head lightly with a smile.

"i shouldn't. look at how great they look together. i'm only an extra." he sadly said while looking at his boyfriends hugging with a fangirling chenle and mark hit the back of his head harshly.

"hey! don't think that! jaemin likes you right? and so does renjun. you'll feel like an extra when you just watch them from afar but if you join, you'll realize that you're not. now shut up and go get them!" he says while pushing jeno towards the uncompleted couple.

jeno hesitated at first but what mark said was right. he wasn't going to get anywhere with the two if he doesn't act. being a couple of an odd number of people was going to be hard, 1+1 makes 2 and 1 is left out. he didn't want to be that 1 neither did he want renjun or jaemin to be that 1. so he joined them.

he slowly approached them and hugged the both tightly, pecking renjun's pink ear and jaemin's cheek. chenle almost fainted because of how cute the couple was but stopped once he felt a drop of water hit the tip his nose.

he looked up and put his palms out to see if it was raining and pouted. the others started doing the same and ran to some shade, except for renjun who just stood there and admired the water that was falling to the ground

renjun absolutely loved the rain, it helped calm him down. he found the sound and sight of water hitting the concrete very relaxing and gets excited whenever it rained.

at that moment, the others were too busy running towards the shade that they hadn't noticed renjun who was still stood there, arms out and spinning while being hit by the hard rain. he was enjoying it.

jeno only noticed when he looked over at jaemin to see that renjun wasn't with him. he started to panic and looked around to see the latter's small figure spinning around under the strong rain. he widened his eyes and quickly ran towards him, the others stopping him of course.

"where are you going?" jaemin asked worriedly when jeno started putting his hood on and slowly ran towards the rain.

"to get injunnie." he simply replied while flashing him a reassuring smile and running towards the chinese male's dancing figure.

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