7: Cascading in the Oasis

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In the faraway land where an oasis was surrounded by golden sand, I was at peace when being awoken slowly by the burning sun shining in my face. Wordlessly, I was dropped into the water, being enveloped by the aquamarine crystals of the liquid. I spat out the water as I tried to stay afloat on the surface, glaring at the God who carelessly dropped me. "Really?" I sarcastically questioned, feeling annoyed.

Anubis kneeled down and looked at me in the water, "If your highness can use sarcasm to communicate and can scream at me, then I am guessing you are clearly capable of walking by yourself."

"Jackass." I spat out water on his face as I moved towards the shore and sat on the sand, while he wiped the water off of his face. It wasn't meant to be as funny as it seemed to me, calling him a jackass I mean, after all he is a jackal and was being a pain in the ass. I stood up, to dry my dress but got annoyed that it had gotten sand stuck to it. "Darn it." I swore under my breath before storming into the oasis and coming back out, as a way of getting the sand off of me.

"It'll fall off, just leave it." Anubis told me, assuring me that fussing over sand being on my skirt was the least of my problems. I looked down at my dress and noticed how different it was to the armour I was stabbed in. "Where did this dress come from?" I asked him, while admiring the blue beauty.

He looked up at me, "The Nile." He sarcastically commented as he started to splash clean water on his face and masculine arms. "No, really." I responded, hoping he would reply honestly. "Every God is given a unique attire that displays their powers, as a way of reminding other Gods who they are. This dress is the one you are to wear when you are here, you don't have to worry about changing into it or anything." He explained. "So I gave myself this dress?" I narrowed my eyebrows, proud of myself. "Yes, you did, your highness." He politely replied, exaggerating my worth so that I could act more mature. I nodded before looking around and scoping the view, curious and slightly worried with fear, "Where even are we?" I asked him.

"In the afterlife." He replied. And I turned to face him, shocked, "Are you joking?" He didn't reply so I spoke more, "I've been in the afterlife realm and it looks nothing like this." I wasn't lying, it was how I met Anubis really: my mother was tucking me into bed and when I refused to sleep she figured that singing me to sleep, while using her powers on me, would do the trick. But curious little me was playing with her bracelet and pulled it off, holding onto her hand in the process and being blown into the underworld. Stupidly, I had let go of my mother's hand as she was about to put the bracelet on, and once she did, she returned back home without me. The both of them got worried and didn't stop looking for me. But one thing I could guarantee was that I never wanted to go back there or even think of having the job my mother had as the Mistress of the West.

"There is a different afterlife for Gods and Goddesses. Humans never get to find out about it." He told me, following me as I pathetically walked on the sand, as if to find a way out.

"How do I go back?" I asked him in a desperate plea.

"You don't." He look at me, empathetic.

"Anubis, you owe me a favour, and you shall give it to me now: I want to get out of here and go back." I ordered him.

"Nilea, I would have lead you out if I could. But there is no way that you can get out of here alive." He uttered, looking directly at me.

"You said there were other Gods here and slyly revealed that I can get out but it's risky." I pointed out to him.

"Gods don't die easily. Only a God can kill another God. This afterlife is for Gods, yes, but we don't kill each other as often as you'd think we do." He told me.

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