15: The Virgin Oracle

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"You're going to get yourself killed if anyone catches you." A deep voice called out, I spun around while flapping my wings, trying to find that person. Out of the shadows, a body of a man appeared, looking straight up at me. Anyone who had the intention to catch me and hurt me for wandering around the palace on my own usually would not warn me

"Horus." I sighed, landing on my feet, in my human light form. I was relieved to have found him so easily, well technically, he found me. A familiar but odd sense of joy took over as I stared in front of the man I was once scared of, but now I had nothing more than respect and adoration for him. I smiled, "How are you?"

He sighed as he rubbed the back of his head, he seemed exhausted, "I've been better. What are you doing here?" I stared, finally remembering that he has had to deal with the worst cards fate had dealt him. Reality had grown depressing, and suddenly the innocent youth became a mere daydream.

"I was looking for you." I replied, my emotions were confused, I was sad and happy and ultimately heartbroken for all my loss. But I guess losing your lover and mother to death is better than losing your daughter to death while you lose your son to the evil in his mind.

"Why?" He asked, and for the first time in ages, I recognised a parental expression from a man. Horus stood tall, his posture was stiff and certain, while his eyes were hollow with concern. I was too busy trying to understand why he was not pleased to see me in such troubled times. Usually, living and breathing creatures had the tendency to greet others happily after being stressed or burdened with confusion or difficulties. Horus had shown no emotion, except one of worry and exhaustion. Sometimes I forget that Gods are much older than they look, the charms of being immortal, you age awfully slowly when you are at your most beautiful. "It's not old age." Horus groaned, rolling his eyes as he read my mind.

"Ho-how did you know that was what I was thinking?" I asked.

"Nilea used to look at me like that when she thought about my age and health." Horus faintly smiled, maybe the happy memory of his daughter brought to him little moments of happiness. I too smiled at the thought of her, but unlike him, I forgot that there was a purpose for my arrival. "Quinn, what are you here for?" He asked, looking at me through his grey eyes. I noticed how I had seen his eyes take a golden colour, often hidden in his brown iris. I recalled the rumour of the God having both gold and grey, often mistaken for silver, eyes.

"Have your eyes always been grey? I thought they were gold." I blatantly asked, with no shame, unfortunately for me. Horus rolled his eyes again and looked at me, "They change colours. I can control it and sometimes I don't." His eyes flickered to gold, the colour pouring in from the inside, circling the pupils. I stayed still as I watched the left pupil change back to the grey it was, the beautiful shade forming into a visual cyclone. I smiled with childish wonder as I watched, surprisingly, my reaction had triggered quiet laughter from the man. He was watching me in amazement.

"Quinn, stop staring at my eyes and tell me why you are here. Hurry before we both get caught and one of us killed." Horus warned and I nodded as I moved towards him. "I was told by Hades, the God of the Underworld," Horus nodded, informing me who knew who Hades is, "that your daughter can be saved and brought back to life." I finished my sentence and awaited Horus' response. He froze, the same way mortals usually do when looking in the eyes of death, whatever form it chooses to take.

"What did you say?" There was anger in his voice and a dangerous glare in his eyes.

"I came to tell you that." I simply replied, I knew he heard what I said. But just like me, the anger and the pain collided, more for him than me, I guess. Afterall, I was loving her on a memory I barely remember.

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