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So... I'm usually not the type of person that would promote my own stuff but please read Amelia, the other book I have. I'm not sure if you'll like it but I hope you do.
Today was rather peaceful.
Up until the afternoon that is....
Surprisingly enough no one woke you up early today though when you were working on your new web comic page during somewhere around 3, "OI JOTAROOO!!!" Someone screamed so loud that even when you're wearing earphones listening to music, you could hear it clearly. Out of curiosity, you went downstairs to check it out. Apparently it was Jotaro's friends and the only one you recognize was the cherry boy, Kakyoin. "Shut up dumbass and be quiet." Jotaro warned his other friend who looks French and have a Guile like hairstyle. "Jotaro, you didn't tell me you have girls over today!" He teased while patted Jotaro on the back. "Hey, YN. Haven't seen you in a while!" Kakyoin immediately greeted you. "Hey Kak. It has been a long time." You casually greeted while the other friend fake cried at Kakyoin. "You know so many beautiful woman. I'm so jealous of you both." Jotaro just muttered his usual 'Yare Yare Daze' while Kakyoin just sighs lightly. "Sorry, guys. I just had some technical difficulties." Another guy appeared with sushi like hair and a dog on his shoulder. Even if the dog doesn't look too happy to be here. "Avdol, Iggy where have you been?" The French man went up and tried to hug Avdol and Iggy but Iggy started hitting his hair. Avdol quickly took Iggy off of his head. "Have you forgotten how much Iggy hates you, Polnareff?" Polnareff quickly cover his hair so he could protect it. "Yes I did. Thanks for it..." Avdol quickly went up to you and introduce himself. "My name is Avdol, that dog there is Iggy and that is Polnareff." You shook his hand while Polnareff came up to you suddenly. "Nice to meet you too, *ma chérie." You shook his hand as well and ignored the wink he gave you. "Getting real smooth here, Polnareff..." Kakyoin said silently but he still heard it. "What? You jealous?" He smirk while walking up to Kakyoin. You look down to see the dog, Iggy chewing on some coffee flavored chewing gum. "Why does Iggy eats chewing gum?..." You said while pointing at Iggy. "I honestly have no idea. You should know why, Avdol." Pol look at Avdol which he also made out an IDK look. "Do you think it's cute or anything?" Kak asked with curiosity. "No. It's weird. Very insanely weird..." You make out a disgusted face and you swore the dog look surprised. "Thanks god...." Kak said with a sigh while Jotaro just sighs. "Huh? Why?" You know Kakyoin for some time now so he should know that you- "Don't you found weird stuff cute sometimes?" Oh yeah.... You do found some weird stuff cute. He quickly drags you and whispers into your ear, "Also because a lot of people found this dog rather cute." You just let out a 'oh' face for him. "Well, at least YN didn't found this stupid dog to be cute." As soon as he finished saying that, Iggy went up to him and started bitting his hair, again... All of you laughed (aside from Jotaro who smiled) and quickly help Polnareff get Iggy out of his hair. "I'm going to look like an idiot for the rest of the week or so...." He sighs lightly while crying because of his damaged hair. You excused yourself because you have things to do.
- Little time skip -
You managed to work on a couple pages while downstairs sound like some teenagers having some insane birthday party or something. You were close to knocking out Polnareff with a frying pan. You swear he is Joseph 2.0. Now that you think about it, Joseph is with them as well. This is going to be insanely bad... You just went downstairs to grab a drink and you saw Erina and Suzi Q begging you for help. "What's wrong guys?" You ask them with curiosity since Lisa Lisa didn't seem to care about it. "They're going to destroy the backyard!" They said in union while you look at them confused. "It was a dare for Jotaro and he agreed to.." Erina said while sobbing a bit. "And many things there belong to Dio too." Suzi said while panicking. Now you could understand why Lisa Lisa doesn't look like she cared. She's just silently smoking. "Where's Holly?" The both of them shook their head. "Buying stuff." Lisa Lisa said and this time she's smiling. "Guys..." You said while sighing. "I actually couldn't care less so..." They kept begging for your help while you somehow made your way to the kitchen. You saw Josuke there and place a hand on his shoulder. "W-What's wrong YN?" You sigh and shook your head. "There's a big mess ahead of you... Josuke." You said and walked away. Leaving poor Josuke puzzled. Jotaro along with Joseph destroying everything. Yep, EVERYTHING. Kakyoin just smiled so does Lisa Lisa and Avdol, Polnareff cheering them on and Iggy didn't look like he cared. Jotaro just ora ora his way to sundae while Joseph using Hamon to destroy anything he found. The whole backyard was a big pile of mess. Jonathan was outside somewhere, Josuke was dragged by Jotaro away so he wouldn't fix it while Giorno didn't give a sh*t about it. He just smiled when seeing the backyard in such a mess. While Erina, Suzi and Holly were terrified and freaked out till the point where Erina and Suzi fainted. And from what you heard from Giorno and Joseph, Dio is coming tonight with Jonathan. Tonight is going to be AWESOME!
- Time skip to nighttime -
Dio and Jonathan were back and the backyard? Well, it's still a big mess. When Jonathan saw it, he freak out immediately and almost fainted. Dio just got mad, VERY VERY MAD. "WHO THE HELL DID THIS!?!" He turned around to see Joseph trying to run away and Jotaro holding him. "Joseph... It's you again huh..." He bailed his fist and Joseph quickly blame it on Jotaro as well. "AND THEM. THEY ALSO HAVE PART IN IT." He shouted quite loudly and pointed at Kak, Pol, Avdol and Iggy. "DAMN YOU CRUSADERS!!" He started chasing every one of them around the house while Jonathan tries to stop him. The rest just sit back and watch as Josuke let out a cheeky smile, Giorno just smiling and the girls, well aside from Lisa Lisa they were a bit scared. And that's how they got kicked out of the house by Jonathan and forbidden to come in until midnight. While the rest of you enjoyed dinner without the annoying shouting of Joseph or anyone in that matter. It's the best day ever!
Weird ass ending I know...

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