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Yes, it's a beach, so there are not many places to hide but because they need to touch 'it', so they don't necessary have to hide anywhere at all. 

And thanks to this, it just became a free for all game. 

You only had a second to dodge everything they'll throw at you, but sometimes with Johnny's help, it wasn't as hard to dodge and run than you thought it would. But the thing is, Johnny doesn't exactly participate in it nor helping you make this game easier. 

He probably just wanted to piss everyone off since he got the chance. Which serves as a distraction of some sort.

While you somehow manage to dodge both Jotaro's and Dio's stand, which they were coming right at you at about the same time, Josuke is right behind you and completely ready to grab you with the prefect opportunity that was given to him. 

Just then, Johnny noticed the same thing too. The prefect opportunity to troll Josuke while he's in high concentration mode.

"YOUR LOOKS SO HORRIBLY TERRIBLE RIGHT NOW! ARE YOU EVEN JOSUKE HIGASHIKATA! THAT MAN LOOKS GREAT WITH THIS HAIR!" He shouted out loud at Josuke and he make sure that Josuke heard it too. Both an insult and a compliment at the same time. 

But Josuke doesn't care, he gets angry once he hears Johnny talk shit about his hair.


While he busily getting angry, emitting a murderous aura and deciding whether or not to puch Johnny into oblivion, you managed to land a backflip and run right pass him. He actually didn't care about it anymore and went ahead to where Johnny is.

Well, at least Johnny's plan worked. He''s lucky that he doesn't have to suffer the wrath of Josuke's anger as Lisa just appears right beside Johnny the moment Josuke gets angry.

Although you did manage to run pass Josuke, it doesn't mean that the game is over. The game is just beginning to get more and more exciting. Aside from the adrenaline you're getting, you're actually getting kind of tired due to all the excessive running for someone who doesn't even excercise much.

After about 5 minutes of nonstop runnning from everyone and everyone's stand abilities, you're getting exhausted and wnating to give up right then and there. And you kind of did give up right then and there, as Diego who was about 10 feet away jumped so high to the sky and manage to slam your body to the sand floor.

 You swear to dear God that he's not a dinosaur anymore, he's just a pterodactyl.

Even though it's just the sand, it still hurt due to the impact between you, Diego and the sand. Even though you could act

"YN-chan, are you alright?!" Erina was the first one to immediately rush towrds you when everyone heard a slight crack. Diego let you go immediately and almost for the first time in forever, looks apologetic for unreasonably hurting you. Only very slight, because he just return to that unamused face of his about a minute afterwards.

You tried to stand up but due to the back pain, you ended up just rolling yourself over and stuff your face in more sand. 

The only thing you felt grateful about was the fact that you landed on sand instead of a concrete floor. 

"You should rest, YN-chan." Erina and Suzie hold you up and let you rest inside the house. Josuke promises you that he will help patch you up later when he's finish with the last game, he actually got a bit angry as you could tell from the tone of his voice. He's probably going to pulverised Diego until he became a dinosaur meat that is worhty enough to be cooked by a master chef. 

You sat down on the couch and sigh lightly. Before Suzie actually left the house, she winked and had a slight sly smile on her face. She's probably planning something but you couldn't actually tell what she's planning.

Sure your bones aren't broken but it still kind of hurt.

[Round 3] Strength test

Break a tree trunk and along with some other things that whoever manage to find, possibly including a rock or metal objects.

Obviously no one allowed you too join in as you're injured, kind of. You sigh lightly while slowing but surely standing up to go grab your phone as you're getting quite bored.

You also betted that everyone is going to murder Diego, which is almost true.

"Can we dice a dinosaur?" Jolyne asks with a cslm but murderous intent, as similiar as what Jotaro is emitting right now. 

"No." Lisa just sighs.

"Can we cook it?" Josuke asks with a terrifyingly calm smile

"No." Lisa just shakes her head.

"Can we kill it?" Johnny just stares at Diego, unblinking.

"No, of course not." At this point, Lisa is just getting frustrated over the Joestars getting angry.

"Why would you want to kill him?" As soon as Erina asks this, almost everyone emits a murderous aura and Erina decided that they should just continue the game. 

While this is going on, you only manage to take 5 steps away from the couch as your back still hurts. At least it's actually some kind of progress.

"You should sit back down, you're still hurt." Unbeknownst to you, Giorno has quietly entered the house and has excused himself from the group. So he let Johnny take his place and continue playing the game, much to Johnny's dismay.

He lightly grabs you and make you sit back down on the couch. He actually uses Gold Experience to massage your back so that you will feel a bit better.

"You're not horribly damaged, are you?" He asks with a rather concern face. 

"No, not really. It's slightly bruised.." Your voice becomes slightly quieter when you said the last few words. You haven't actually realise it but you noticed it just now, that the boht of you faces are about inches away from each other.

Your face is slightly tinted red. 

He pulls away and take a look at your back. "Yeah, it is slightly bruised. You should ask Josuke to fix it for you later." You nodded your head.

He actually kisses your forehead and smiles slightly. 

"You're blushing, what's wrong with it?"

"Well... I.." Nothing but random mumbles and slurs came out of your mouth.

"Well, I better go back before they annoy me about being gone. well, it's more of Johnny's problem..." He chuckles before leaving you alone once agian in the house.

You only sigh and somewhat cover your face in embarrassment.

From what you heard from a panic Holly bursting into the house, apparently everyone is on a dinosaur hunt because Diego said something and they all got pissed. They actually wantd to dice him into pieces and bury him body in the sand. 

By the way, Group B won.

End of part 3

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