Chapter Thirty

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Jimin's POV

It's half way through lunch. I laugh at the boys around me as they make jokes, make fun, and annoy one another. Kookie taps my arm. I look over as he points towards my phone on the table.

"Hyung, someone texted you." I go to reach for it, Jungkook beat me to it with a question. "Who is sugar?" My hand pauses. Yoongi is sugar, I didn't want to have his real name in there for a situation just like this. I grab my phone and look at the message.

Sugar: Jimin, can you meet me in the hallway near our next class?

Jimin: Sure. I'll be there soon.

I wonder what he wants.

"Guys, I have to meet a classmate to exchange notes. I'll see you later." The rest of the table waves. I see suspicion in the eyes of Jungkook, until it fades due to Tae calling his name. I walk out of the lunchroom and through the hallways wondering what Yoongi wants. He usually doesn't message me during school. The hallways are empty as I head for the right hallway. I turn the corner and in the end of the hallways I see Yoongi leaning on the wall by the bathrooms. I walk up to him confidently.

"Hi, hyung." Yoongi only responds by looking me head to toe then walking closer to me. Before I can react to his action he grabs my shoulders and pushes me to the wall. "Yoo..." He cuts me off.

"Are you doing this on purpose?" The closeness of his body to mine causes me to blush.

"Doing what?" He ignores my question.

"Cause if so, it's working." I try to hide my smile. Am I really getting to him? "Walking around looking like this and you expect not to get a rise out of me?" Yoongi leans close to my face and kisses the exposed skin on my neck. Electricity ripples through my body. Who knew what Yoongi's lips on my skin could do. "How do you go from looking super fucking adorable to hella sexy?" Jitters spread through my skin as Yoongi softly sucks on the exposed flesh on my neck. I can feel his body heat close to me as I bite back any noises that wanted to escape my mouth. If I said that I didn't achieve exactly what I was going for today, I'd be lying. I wanted a rise out of Yoongi, and this was indeed a rise. Suddenly, the bell rings. Yoongi pulls away and scoffs at the bell. He looks to me, then down at my neck. His eyes widen a bit.

"Oh...sorry chim." I look at him puzzled.

"For what?" He points to my neck. I walk into the bathroom that was nearby, Yoongi followed. I'm immediately greeted with a fresh hickey on my neck.

"Ugh, how am I going to go to class with this? Ah." I start to panic a bit. Yoongi sees me begin to panic and gently grabs my shoulders again.

"Jimin, it's okay. Here." I look up as he removes his flannel. "You can wear this. It will cover it." He wraps the flannel around me. Sure enough, the collar of the flannel covered the dark mark on my neck.

"Are you sure, hyung?" Yoongi smiles in response.

"Of course Jiminie. It is also kinda my fault too." I put my arms through the sleeves, they drape past my hands. I look to Yoongi.

"How do I look?" Yoongi chuckles and steps towards me. He leans in a kisses my cheek.

"Cute, as always." My face turns red. Yoongi shuffles me out of the door and we head to class.

After class ends I begin to walk out when my collar is pulled on. I turn to see Tae and Kookie. I smile.

"Hey guys. What's up?" They both stare at me.

"Where'd you get the jacket?" Tae says as both boys place their hands on their hips. Dang those two are in sink. I pause. I didn't think about the fact someone may notice it's not mine.

"What are you talking about?" The two eye me up and down then look at each other. Tae reaches forward and grabs the side of the flannel. Before I can think to respond, Tae flips it back, exposing my red marked neck. The two look at me in awe.

"Chim Chim! Was this from the person you like?" Tae almost yells. Thankfully people have already left the vicinity.

"Chim, when are you going to tell us who this is?" All I can do is blush.

"I-I uh. I'll tell you later." I rush past them and head out of the school.

Once I make it home I rush into my room and lay on my bed. That was close, I don't want to have to talk about that topic quite yet with them. I take the flannel off and hold it to my face, it smells like Yoongi. His minty, musky scent invades my nose. Suddenly my phone vibrates.

Tae: Someone gave our precious Chim Chim a hickey!

Kookie: Yeah! Tae and I saw it with our own eyes.

Joon: And you didn't tell us Jimin?

Chim: I'm sorry guys, I just can't tell you yet. I will soon though.

Jinnie: Wait, I think I know who this is. You guys went to the coffee shop together.

Tae: Waaaa???

Hobi: OOO do tell.

Chim: Jin hyung please don't tell. I will tell them eventually. There are just some complications at the moment and it needs to remain a secret. Please all handsome hyung.

Kookie: Damn, now we will never know.

Jinnie: Well if you put it that way...Of course I'll keep it to myself. Me and my handsome face will keep your secret for now Chim Chim.

Chim: Thank you hyung. :)

Jinnie: Dang, I can't believe he gave you a hickey.

Kookie: HE???

Chim: Hyungggg!

Jinnie: Oops, sorry chim.

Tae: *quietly chants "one of us"*

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