Chapter Sixty

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Jimin's POV

About a month had gone by since Yoongi's mother came back. I have noticed a pretty big change in Yoongi's personality since then. He is a lot more reserved and quiet, and also seems less confident than he used to. I tried to talk with him about it a while ago but he said that nothing had changed, that he was fine. I was sitting in class waiting for Yoongi to show up and the bell to ring. Suddenly a black haired kid tried to sit in Yoongi's seat. I turned to shoo the kid away. As soon as I turned I realized it was Yoongi.

"You dyed your hair?" Yoongi nodded and pulled out his stuff for class. "Why, did you dye your hair? I thought you liked the mint color?" After Yoongi gets all his stuff out, he responds.

"I did like the mint. I just thought I'd change it up a bit. Plus, my mom said she wanted me to dye it a more natural color." Since when would Yoongi do something that someone else wanted him to do, besides me of course.

"Why did your mom want you to dye it black?" Yoongi shrugs.

"She said it's 'better for business' whatever that means." What did she mean by that?

After class ended we went to lunch. The kids at our lunch table had similar reactions to me with Yoongi's hair.

"Hyung your hair!" Tae yelled immediately. "I've never seen it black before." Both Tae and Kookie stared intently at Yoongi which started to make him look uncomfortable.

"Joon and I have, but that's because we have been friends with him since we were all nasty kids," Hobi said smugly.

"You mean since you were a nasty kid?" Yoongi said boredly. Which would also be one of the only things he would say during lunch. He didn't even smile after his joke which struck me as odd. Now, I don't think Yoongi's hair looked bad, quite the opposite actually, but Yoongi loved having bright colored hair that drew him apart from everyone else. It just struck me as off-color that he would choose such a common hair color. Maybe Yoongi really is changing. He has also been talking to me less. He doesn't show as much affection towards me either. He doesn't kiss my cheek, he doesn't hug me, and he hardly smiles at me anymore. I miss his cheesy jokes and the smirk he would wear. I've really started to worry.

When school ended Yoongi and I met up and walked out of school together like we usually do. We parted at the gates.

"Bye hyung." Yoongi just hummed in response. My heart hurt. Where was the usual "Bye Jiminie" or "see ya, Chim Chim?" Yoongi used to be so energetic and happy. Where did it go? I stopped walking. I turned around and started walking towards Yoongi's apartment. I don't care if his mom is there, I want to talk to him. I need to know what's going on. I was a few minutes behind him though so I took my time walking there.

When I arrived I noticed something right away. Yoongi, his mom, and a girl around Yoongi's age were in front of his apartment building talking. I walked over to a tree near them hoping to not be seen so I could listen to their conversation. Maybe I could figure out what's wrong with Yoongi. I started listening to their conversation.

"This is Sura. Her father and I are arranging your marriage in a few months." My heart felt like it had just been stomped on. My stomach started to fill with weight. The look on Yoongi's face made it worse. He looked unaffected, unhurt like he didn't care. I wanted to throw up. "It's the perfect business arrangement for both our families." That's what business she was talking about. Did Yoongi know? When was he going to tell me? Does he not care about me anymore? Did I already have days left till he ended it with me? My face was red. Why did I even come here? I wanted to disappear. "Why don't we take this inside shall we?" They walked inside. As soon as the door shut, I ran away. I didn't start crying until I had safely made it back into my room. The hot tears poured out of my eyes. Why couldn't I have told his mom that he didn't go to school here when she came. I could have said he had left Korea. Then maybe this would have never happened. I let the thoughts swarm and the tears flow until I fell asleep.

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