Chapter Sixty Four

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Jimin's POV

The restaurant is beautiful. The walls are a deep maroon red that compliments the slick black tables. Everything in the building seemed so expensive and screamed elegance. I almost felt out of place. Yoongi and I did dress up for dinner but I still felt under-dressed. Yoongi wore a sleek, black blazer with a white and blue designed dress shirt underneath. It complemented his blonde hair nicely. I also wore a black blazer jacket but had a plain white shirt underneath. Yoongi said it made my red hair stand out more than it already did. The food was just as amazing as I imagined. Everything we ordered was well prepared and delicious. They treated us like you would expect a celebrity to be treated. They might have thought we were, Yoongi even mentioned that dressed up, we both look important. I had just finished my dessert when Yoongi spoke.

"There has been something I have been meaning to tell you." I put my silverware down and directed my attention to Yoongi. "where do I start?" He said with a weak chuckle. "Recently we both have been very busy and not spending as much time as we usually do together. This has brought me to a realization..." My stomach started to get queasy. Why does this sound like the beginning of a breakup speech? Yoongi seems to see some of the color leave my face. He chuckles and reaches across the table and holds my hand. "Don't worry Jiminie, all that I have to say are good things." The color returns to my face and I smile towards Yoongi as a wave of relief comes over me. He had me scared for a second. "What I wanted to say was when being apart from you I was able to realize how much I hate not having you around. Every second of being away from you, I thought about the second that I'd get to see your smiling face again." I can feel my face start to blush as Yoongi continues. "Since the day we met in the hallways of high school, you have changed me. You gave me hope in the world I otherwise thought was hopeless. We have been through so much since that day. Back then, I never would have expected to be sitting here, right now, in front of you, telling you all these words." Yoongi squeezed my hand gently and chuckled gently. "Jimin, you have made me a better person. I never had hopes or dreams for a future before I met you. When my dad passed, everything was dark and angry. I hated everyone and everything because I couldn't see how any of it would get better, how any of the pain would go away. You became my light, my happiness. Now, all I want to do is to be able to give you the best life possible, the life that you deserve for always being there for me. To be able to make a story and a life with you. I think the perfect start to the next chapter of our story, starts with a question..." By now butterflies have already invaded and swarmed my stomach. My face feels redder than a cherry. I can feel my heart pound in my chest. Yoongi, still holding my hand, gets up from the table and kneels in front of me on one knee. Warm tears begin to fall down my face. Usually I'd be embarrassed crying in front of strangers but at this point, I don't care.

"Jiminie..." Yoongi pulls out a small black leather box from his back pocket. My heart was beating a mile a minute.

"Y-Yoongi..." I'm barely able to stutter out in response. I anticipate his next words as more tears escape my eyes.

"Will you marry me?" I surge forward and envelop Yoongi in a warm embrace, wrapping both my arms around his neck as Yoongi's arms find their way around my waist. The tears flow down my face more rapidly than before. Is this actually happening? Everything was swirling around in my head, I can't think straight. I choke back sobs of happiness.

"Y-Yoongi..." I pull out of the hug and look at Yoongi as he awaits my response as if the answer wasn't obvious. I nod rapidly as I try to force words out of my mouth that was stuck in a bright smile. "Y-yes Yoongi. I would be honored to marry you." I can barely finish the sentence before Yoongi's hands move to my face and pull me towards him for a kiss. A kiss that was delicate, yet deep. A kiss that marked a new era of our lives that held a new bounty to fill with memories. A book of new pages awaiting to be filled. It was so full of passion and love that I almost didn't realize there was a certain group of people clapping and cheering at a table almost right next to ours. When Yoongi and I separate, his attention directs towards our collectively shared friends who I somehow didn't notice were also at the very same restaurant as us.

(A/N: With one chapter remaining, I thought it would be sweet to also write a Valentine's Day chapter that took place during the six year gap I skipped. It's called "Valentine's Day Third Wheel" and it's in my oneshot book. I hope you enjoy it.)

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