Chapter Forty Eight

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Jimin's POV

"Guys! Let's hang at my house this weekend. You guys can spend the night, my parents won't be home and they said it's okay if I have friends over," Tae excitedly shouted to our whole group.

"I'll be there," Kookie said. Though, it always seems like Kookie and Tae hung out so he probably would have been there anyway.

"Sounds fun, I'm in." Hobi seemed tired but excited.

"Me too," Joon jumped in.

"I'll be there," I say before everyone looks to Yoongi who has a mouth full of food. He notices all the stares and holds his thumb up as he awkwardly smiles with food still in his mouth. This causes the table group to laugh a bit.

"Oh, Joon, make sure Jin hyung comes." Joon smiles.

"Absolutely." I see Kookie roll his eyes out of the corner of my vision.

"Yes, just what we need. Another mom." Tae scoffs.

"Don't be salty Kookie, you love Jinnie hyung, just admit it." Kookie rolls his eyes and tries to keep a serious face but it quickly turns into a smile which causes the table to laugh again.

The week ended and the weekend approached. I asked my mom and she was fine with me going over to Tae's house, she just told me to stay out of trouble. Tae told us to all bring some snacks so we could eat tons of junk food. I bought a few bags of chips. Yoongi said he would meet me at my house so we could walk to Tae's house together. Plus, it was close to the evening and Yoongi said he didn't want me walking alone in the dark. I rolled my eyes.

Tae: Kookie is already here. Are the rest of you guys coming?

Jin: Of course Kookie is already there. We will be there shortly.

Yoongi: I'm almost to Jimin's house, then we will head over.

Hobi: Awe, the two love birds are walking together?

Yoongi: I'm sorry Hoseok who are YOU walking with?

Hobi: Aish, shut up Yoongi. I'm almost to Tae's.

Before I respond to the group chat, there is a knock at my front door. I grab all my stuff and open the door to see Yoongi.

"You weren't kidding when you said you were almost here." Yoongi looks seriously off into the distance and clutches his fist.

"I never kid." I roll my eyes and laugh pulling Yoongi to follow me. We talk back and forth until we get to Tae's.

"Hey guys! Glad you could come." Taehyung opens the door allowing us to come in. Once again, we are the last to arrive.

After we stuffed our faces with junk food, we start watching movies. Tae's couch consisted of Yoongi and me next to each other, Tae at the other side of the couch with Jungkook leaning on him while Jungkook had his feet on my legs. Jin was sitting on a separate chair with Joon laying against the chair between his legs. Hobi on the other hand was sprawled out on the floor in front of the couch while we watched movies. Mid way through the movie suddenly someone clapped. Everyone jumped.

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