Chapter 4- Touch

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It was finally the first day of filming. SM had released an official statement saying that footage from a collaborative project had been leaked and there were no personal issues between the leaders. There were mixed opinions on the matter, but most were positive and excited for the release.

Some people called it a cover up, which it was, but they denied all claims. The groups had finished recording the songs and they were finally ready to film the music videos. (Y/n) wasn't the least bit excited for this collaboration.

He woke up that morning dreading the filming to come. He knew there would be a few NCT members that would be mad at him, hell, he was even mad at himself. He was scared to face the more popular group.

The leader groaned as he pushed himself onto one shoulder. He wished he could keep sleeping, seeing as his insomnia was terrible the night before. He had woken up about an hour before his alarm was supposed to go off.

(Y/n) sighed as he checked the time. He knew he wouldn't be able to fall asleep again, so he decided to just get up and take a walk. He went to his closet and pulled out a sweatshirt that had the definition of fuck on it, some black skinny jeans, and a pair of black timberlands. The leader was feeling too lazy to put in contacts, so he grabbed his glasses and left the room, leavi ng Chaemin to sleep.

 The leader was feeling too lazy to put in contacts, so he grabbed his glasses and left the room, leavi ng Chaemin to sleep

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He made his way to the kitchen and grabbed the sticky note pad they left there for occasions such as this. He quickly wrote down a note for his members and stuck it on the fridge.

'I'm going out for a walk - (y/n)'

He left the dorm and just walked. He just needed to clear his mind. Lately he hadn't been doing well. Not more than two days before Error and NCT went on the broadcast together, he got a call from the hospital. His mother and little bother got into an accident which put his mother in a coma.

His younger brother, Hongseok (not from pentagon), had autism, and his father had walked out on them when his brother was born. (Y/n) had been so stressed trying to find someone to take care of his brother. He was currently with an aunt, but they couldn't take care of him forever.

Then, he got into the fight with Taeyong. His life was in a downwards spiral. (Y/n) felt as if he had no control over it, and it only made his anxiety worse. He started getting terrible insomnia, and he was even showing signs of depression. He stopped eating and skipped meals regularly.

He practiced until he couldn't stand, but it wasn't enough to get his problems off his mind. There were so many thoughts bouncing around his head that sometimes it became too much. Especially now that Error's schedule was so much busier.

The only thing was, he refused to tell his bandmates. He didn't want to be a burden, especially when all of them were so stressed. He bottled up his emotions, hoping he wouldn't burst at the seams.

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