Chapter 8- Regular

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"What the fuck?!" Taeyong yelled as looked over at the other boy in the car, shocked by what he said.

"Dont even joke about that!" He yelled at the boy who was still crying. "Do you know how truly selfish that is? You'd leave behind everyone who cares about you and cause them so much pain, do you even understand that?"

"I know... I know, but I dont know how I'm going to live without my mother, i dont know how I'm going to take care of Hongseok, i dont know how I'm going to fix this mess we made! It'll all be better if I'm gone," (Y/n) cried.

"You're a coward! Do you even hear yourself? You dont know how to solve your problems so you're going to die to get away from them? You must be fucking insane," Taeyong shouted. (Y/n) had expected him to sympathize with him and comfort him rather than berate him, but nothing ever went (y/n)'s way.

"I cant believe you right now. You're being irrational. If you die, then who will take care of your brother, you said yourself that your aunt cant take care of him full time. Who would lead Error? If you died, then they'd probably disband. Do you want to fuck up their futures? You really are selfish," Taeyong spat with malice.

"Taeyong can you just shut up! You've already told me how much of a screw up I am already. I dont need the guilt trip!" (Y/n) shouted at him.

"I think you really do! You must be out of your mind to even say that! I cant believe you cant handle your problems like an adult, all you do is run away from your issues!" Taeyong retaliated.

"Oh my God just shut your mouth! I just want to punch you right now!" (Y/n) said with tears falling from his eyes. Taeyong pulled to the side of the road and stopped the car.

"Get out," he said forcefully. (Y/n) just blinked at him in confusion.

"What?" He asked bitterly.

"I said get out of my car," Taeyong demanded. (Y/n) hesitantly unbuckled his seatbelts and stepped out of the car.

"Is this what you wanted?" Taeyong said as he got out of the car too. "You wanted to fight, right? Then let's fucking fight."

It was a secluded and more rural area, so Taeyong wouldnt hesitate to punch the boy in the face.

"Come on, punch me in the face. That's what you wanted to do in the car, so do it," Taeyong said as he stepped closer to (y/n). (Y/n) was confused, so he made no move to hit Taeyong. "Are you really a coward? You're only proving me right."

Taeyong forcefully grabbed (y/n) by the collar and got up close to his face. "Looks like I'm gonna have to make the first move."

He let go of (y/n)'s collar and just punched him in the stomach. (Y/n) let out a groan and his eyes filled with anger. He tackled Taeyong to the ground and punched him right on the mouth, splitting Taeyong's lip. Taeyong laughed a little as he spit on (y/n)'s face, using his confusion as leverage to flip them over and pin him down.

He punched (y/n) in the face and went in for another hit, but the other boy managed to throw him off and clamber to his feet. Taeyong stood back up as well.

"So, are you gonna answer me? Is this what you wanted?" Taeyong spat at (y/n).

"Yeah, yeah it is," (y/n) said as he rushed Taeyong. He kneed him in the balls and kicked him in the ribs before Taeyong managed to stand up again.

This time, he tackled (y/n) and slammed his head against the grass. (Y/n) groaned in pain, but then got an idea.

"Theres no one to stop us this time. Are you sure you want to keep going?" Taeyong said smugly as he got back on his feet. But he got no response from (y/n), he was still laying on the ground, his eyes seemed distant. Taeyong started to worry and got closer, but as soon as he was close enough, (y/n) jumped back up and punched Taeyong in the nose.

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