Roman (Ch.21)

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"What do you mean it won't be easy on me? Did you really think that everything else you showed me was easy? Did you really think that your suffering would be easy for me watch?" He smiled and pulled away, slowly returning to how he normally looked.

"Yes... I did."

"Draak..." Once again he put his finger to his lips and I stopped.

"I tried make you see without this but..." He laughed a bit, trying to hide it with his hand but falling. It was the most child-like and cute thing I've seen from him... or A now that I think about it. "Your to thick headed to see it."

"Hey!" He just laughed again, before stopping and getting a look of extreme seriousness. "Hey, are you ok? Whatever it is I'm sure it'll be fine."

"No... I-It's not just going to be hard on you... There's a reason I didn't want to show you this..."

"You know you could just tell me what your trying to teach me instead of going through the trouble."

"Then how will you learn?" He grabbed both my hands and looked me in the eyes. "This time however we're going to go through it together..." He let go of one of my hands, but held tighter onto the other. He turned slightly and looked ahead of him with fear and apprehension. "A is going to kill me."

"Wait, Wha..." I felt that pull again as time and space moved around us like a movie on fast forward. I closed my eyes when it started getting to me but when I opened them, I was somewhere very familiar. Too familiar in fact. We were looking out to the field in the hollow. We were looking out on the last battle of the war. I squeezed his hand even tighter as the memories started flooding back.

Why are we here? Why this place? I thought it was just Draak's memories we were seeing. Why did it have to be this?

"" I looked over and saw Draak just staring there wide eyed onto the battle field. The Dragon witch King Alphonse had just walked onto the field sword in hand. "Please... Please don't hate me for this."

"Hate you for what?" He looked at me with intense fear. He closed his eyes and held his free arm out towards my chest. There was a burst of energy that sent shivers down my back. All of a sudden my blood felt frozen in my veins. My heart started beating so fast which only made everything hurt more. I was on my knees in a matter of seconds. Draak pulled me back up and held on to me for support. "What did you..."

"Listen." I looked back out onto the battle that now raged on before us.

DAD?! What... what, why...

My eyes went wide and I looked over at Draak in confusion. He just shook his head and pointed out behind everything, back towards the vale. There peaking out of the woods was a small Virgil. Well not small he would have been 13 at the time. This doesn't make any sense. How was Virgil there? Why was there? He never said anything? He...

"He never remembered." I looked back at Draak who was once again stone faced towards the battle. "This was the only other time I was ever in control again. A was in no shape and Virgil was getting really weak so... I thought it would be best if I took the reins. I thought it would give them both time to heal." His voice cracked a little but other then that i saw no emotion. "I... I-I went for a walk. Training had just ended and I wanted to enjoy the day. I ended wandering to far from the base and ended up at this camp. I stayed as hidden I could be but... They were all to busy to even notice me."

"Draak, I don't..."

"I followed them. I was concerned. They all looked like they were going into a battle and I was afraid for my base. I was afraid for my home. When I got to the field I... I saw you. Before anything else I saw you and you were on the front lines." My heart dropped. He means he saw me kill his father. He was... there the whole time.


I looked back out on the the field and everything had stopped. Well everything but Alphonse and me. The moment he spotted me in the fray, he target changed. Everyone knew that. Even their side knew. The battle had just ended. I watched as Alphonse swung and I sliced his leg when I dodged. He stumbled and got my arm.


"Where is he?" Wait, I remember this part. Alphonse held his sword out to my heart and I was in a defensive stance. "WHERE IS MY SON?"

"I don't know what your talking about?" His face stared twitching as he got this psychotic smile.

"Your such an idiot. I know he's here. I know you have him. I CAN HEAR HIM!" He said as he tapped his head. At the time I thought he was insane I never even thought. So Virgil was trying to talk him down the whole time.

"I still don't know what your talking about."

Dad he doesn't...

"LIAR!" I watched as Alphonse grabbed the other me by the neck. I watched as my face red as he held me up against a tree.


Alphonse face went wide as his eyes returned to a blue color, much like A's. He let go and I watched as the other me fell and choked for breath. He fell to he knees, a piece of a broken sword sticking through his chest.I watched as the other me grabbed his sword and walked away. I didn't want to see him die. I didn't want to see what I had just down. I kept in the tears and walked through the crowd that had came to congratulate me. At the time I was to broken to deal. Why would you celebrate a death? No matter who bad the person was, it was still a death. And I... I couldn't get the thought of his son out of my head. I didn't believe him, what if I was wrong? What if he did have a son. Now look... I WAS wrong, and it was Virgil.

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