Hehehe lol + spoiler 😄😈

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Below is a snippet of a chapter from darks manor... Don't know why felt like sharing hehehe

So I'm writing a Virgil chapter in Darks manor and it hit me since adding The BroKen Sanders Sides to the book as well has Venturian characters I have written a total of 54 chapters... And I'm not done yet lol...

However book 5 is the longest book I have written with a total of 31 complete chapter and book 1 had 35, give or take, parts... In the BroKen series

I just find that funny. I wrote more for the Sanders sides it a book called Dark manor than I did in their actual book hehehe.

(Spoiler ahead)

x Teaser x

I took a deep breath and answered the phone, trying my best Mark impression. "Yello..."

"Greeting, is this a Mark Fishback?" A voice came through. It sounded dignified almost scholarly. It reminded me of Google.

"Who's calling?"

"My name is Logan Sanders. I am calling on behalf of Thomas Sanders. I hope you don't mind. We got your number from a Sean Mclaughlin." He spoke to Jack? I thought he was missing. Mark and Will have been going crazy trying to find him all week.

"You spoke to Jack?"

"Yes, we have. It was in regards to your alters Anti and Dark." My eyes when wide and my aura flared out causing feedback through the phone. I straightened myself out and the feedback slowly diminished.

"What about them?" I practically growled. I could hear people yelling in the background. Soon a voice picked up through the phone. it was the same voice obviously but the demeanor had changed. Instead of dignified and scholarly, it was depressed and bored.

"Hey, so Logan handed me the phone for some reason. I don't know. Anyway, I'm sure you're confused but we really need an address to your manor."

"Kiddo, you can't just ask them outright. He doesn't know who you are." Another voice came through the line this time, caring and gentle.

"My name is Draak Hardy... That was Patton. There, happy dad?" I am getting lost here. They all sound the same.

"How do you even know about m... Dark." I held my forehead as a headache started.

"The same way I know your not Mark... Are you?" All of a sudden the line erupted in yelling two voices, in particular, stood out above the rest. One sounded like, well royalty, and the other sounded a lot like me... manipulative

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