Chapter 5

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Jessie blinked slowly, before smiling and nodding, she opened her bag and pulled out an expo. "Please, please don't push on it." The girl perked up, "I promise i won't. I hate it when people do that." Jessie smiled, "I'm Jessie, nice to meet you." The girl laughed and offered a hand. "Courie, it's a pleasure." Jessie shook her hand, and for the rest of the class they talked about expo markers.

Eventually, after what felt like days, it was time for lunch. Jessie gathered her things and walked out of the classroom. She waited at the entrance for James, but when she spotted him, he was walking with another girl. She was a small girl, with an angular face, big eyes, and auburn hair. Jessie frowned slightly, and watched them closely. They were laughing, and James looked happy, as did the other girl.

She sighed and walked into the lunchroom, trying to hide how much seeing that really hurt. Before she could even begin to cry, an arm was wrapped around her shoulders, and she looked up to see Courie, grinning at her. "Why so down? C'mon, smile~! Fake it till ya make it, right?"

Jessie laughed quietly, "I guess so." Courie poked her forehead, "That's what i like to hear., come with me, lets sit togther!" Courie grabbed her wrist and pulled her to an empty area of the cafeteria, on the way there, a few boys started making mocking faces at her. She glared at them and muttered under her breath, "i'm gonna kill them." Jessie laughed and shook her head, then gently nudged her to the table.

Courie smiled sheepishly, "Sorry, i kinda picked a few fights.." Jessie just shrugged and opened her lunchbox. Courie did the same and pulled out her earbuds as well. She looked at Jessie and offered her one, "wanna listen to some music?" Jessie nodded and put in the earbud. An upbeat song was playing, as expected from the optimistic girl. They both ate their lunch in silence, listening to the music.

Soon lunch was over and the two parted ways, and after that the day went by decently fast. Soon it was time to leave. Jessie walked to the bus and got a seat all to herself. A few minutes later, James showed up, grinning. "Hey." Jessie waved,  put in her earbuds, and blasted Hamilton music.

What she didn't notice was James sighing deeply as he sat down next to her. He knew that he hurt her, he just, didn't know the full reason. The entire ride home he would sneak glances at her, hoping that one day he could stop hurting her. 

As soon as he parted ways with her he stared mumbling under his breath, "I'm such an idiot.." over the course of the summer, he'd felt...odd, even nervous around Jessie. He brushed it off, until he couldn't anymore. He knew it, it was undeniable. 

He was in love with Jessie.

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