Chapter 5

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After that we both start putting on our clothes and he rushes me out of the house and into his car.

Ellie: why are we in such a hurry?

Ethan: *looks at me and hesitates before he says* bc I have to meet someone at the park, and we can't get caught.

Ellie: get caught by who? Who are you meeting at the park?

Ethan: I really can't tell you El.

Ellie: why not?

Ethan: look, I let you come, can you just not ask any questions.

Ellie: *nods head and is quiet the rest of the way*

Arrives at the park;

Ethan: *gets out of car*

Ellie: *tries to get out, but e pulls her door back*

Ethan: just stay in here.

Ellie: *wants to ask why, but remembers what he said about asking questions*

Ellie's Pov.
After what seems like forever Ethan finally gets back in the car, and looks so scared. He notices me scrolling through Instagram trying to stay calm, and gives me a soft kiss on the cheek.

Ellie: what happened?

Ethan: uhm nothing much, can you put this back there for me though. *hands me a bag to put in the backseat*

Ellie: *takes bag* what's in here?

Ethan: uh nothing, it doesn't matter.

Ellie: *opens bag* Ethan.. what the FUCK.


Ellie: please tell me this isn't what I think it it.

Ethan: can I just take you home and we can forget about all of this. It's past your curfew anyway.

Ellie: *doesn't feel like arguing* fine

   After that we didn't really say anything. The car was silent the whole way home. I wanted to know more, but I could tell he was getting frustrated, and I was already so nervous from everything that's happened tonight.

Arrives at Ellie's house;

Ellie: thanks for the ride home.

Ethan: *in a quiet tone* yea, no problem.

Ellie: *closes door and walks inside*

Ellie's Pov.
   The rest of the weekend was pretty boring. I didn't really do anything other than worry about Ethan. I wanted to call him, but I didn't think he would be honest with me unless I asked in person so I just decided to wait until Monday.

<< skips rest of weekend >>


Ellie's Pov.
   I woke up early this morning to get ready, but to be honest I was really worried about talking to Ethan. I had no idea what he would say or if he would even talk to me. I just really hope that bag wasn't full of what I thought was in it.

   I still had to get ready for school though so I decided to just put it in the back of my mind and take a shower to maybe calm down. When I got out of the shower i brushed my teeth, did my hair and makeup, and started putting on my clothes. I put on a pair of black leggings, an  adidas crop top, a navy green jacket, and a pair of adidas sneakers to match.

   After I got dressed I heard my mom yell that the bus was about to be here so I walked downstairs, grabbed my bag, and walked out to the bus. When I got to school I got off the bus and walked to one of the empty tables outside to wait for Madison and Alexis. I was gonna talk to e, but I thought it would be better if I waited till lunch, so I'd have more time to talk to him.

Later that day;

Ellie's Pov.
   I went through all of my first classes not paying attention. I was so worried about Ethan and what I was going to say to him, but now it's time to actually talk to him. I walk into the cafeteria and sit at the table with Madison and Alexis. They both say hi, but I just ignore them and start scanning the tables for e.

Madison: Ellie.. Ellie

Alexis and Madison: ELLIE

Ellie: *I notice the talking to me* yea, sorry?

Alexis: so how was your date with Ethan?

Ellie: *not paying attention to anything they said* uhm I have to talk to someone I'll be back in a minute.

   After that I get up from the table and walk to where Ethan and all of his friends are.

Ellie: hi e..

Ethan: oh Ellie, hey.

Ellie: uhm.. can I talk to you in private?

Ethan: yea *gets up from table and we both walk outside to talk*

Ethan: so, what's up?

Ellie: uh- I kinda wanted to talk about the other night.

Ethan: Ellie, it'd be easier on both of us if you just let it go please.

Ellie: okay, but can you just tell me something first?

Ethan: sure..

Ellie: what was in that bag you handed me?

Ethan: nothing El...

Ellie: yes there was, and don't lie to me about this. I'm serious.

Ethan: fine, there was weed and a little bit of coke, that's all.

Ellie: what the hell were you doing with that? You don't... do you?

Ethan: look El, it's not a big deal. Can we just drop it?

Ellie; no we can't. Can you just be honest with me?

Ethan: *sighs* fine, meet me at my house today after school and I'll explain everything.

Ellie: okay, thank you.

Ethan: mhmm

Ellie: *walks back to her table and finishes talking to Alexis and Madison*

Authors note: I hope you guys are liking it so far! And thank you for 100 reads you guys are so amazing <3

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