Chapter 24

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Ellie's Pov.
   I walk downstairs with tears rolling down my face. Both of Ethan's parents look at me, and then Lisa asks me what happened.

Ellie: *crying* Me and Ethan just broke up.

Ethan's Mom: What? Ethan actually broke up with you?

Ellie: *is crying so much that she can't talk*

Ethan's Parents: *sit her down at the kitchen table and Lisa hands her a tissue to wipe the tears*

Ethan's Dad: Okay, why did Ethan break up with you?

Ellie: He didn't. I broke up with him.

Ethan's Mom: Then why are you crying hunny?

Ellie: Well after what happened with the accident and everything, I called my Mom and asked if I could come back home. She said I could if I didn't see Ethan anymore, and I told her that I would break up with him. So when I went upstairs to check on e a while ago we kinda broke up. But then he started yelling and everything, and told me to get out. And now he hates me, and it's all my fault.

Ethan's Mom: I'm sure Ethan doesn't hate you.

Ellie: He is so mad though.

Ethan's Mom: He's probably just stressed right now. I mean he just got out of the hospital.

Ellie: I know, and I didn't mean to do it right now, it just came out when we were talking.

Ethan's Dad: Well at least you get to see your Mom.

Ellie: Yea, I guess. *wipes her tears again*

Ethan's Mom: So when are you moving back babe?

Ellie: Well I meant to talk to you guys about it, but like I said it all just happened and I didn't have time. I was kind of hoping that I could move back today or something though. I know there's a lot going on though so I can just call my Mom. She already offered to come get me, and I don't want to stress you guys out anymore than I already have.

Ethan's Mom: You're not stressing us out. I understand that you want to go back home though, so I can help you pack if you want.

Ellie: Thank you so much.

Ethan's Mom: Of course sweetie.

   After that me and Mrs. Dolan walk back upstairs, and she helps me pack my stuff to go. When we get all of my stuff together me, her and Mr. Dolan all get in the car and start driving to my house.

Arrives at Ellie's house;

Ellie: *hugs Ethan's parents and then gets out of the car* thank you guys so much for everything.

Ethan's Mom: Of course El. If you ever need anything we're here, okay?

Ellie: Okay, and thank you again, love you guys.

Ethan's Parents: Love you to El.

Ellie's Pov.
I walk into the house, and my parents immediately start hugging me.

Ellie: *smiles* Hey guys, it's good to be home.

Ellie's Mom: Good to have you home Dear. Are you hungry?

Ellie: *laughs a lil* no thanks Mom. I'm actually really tired though, I think I'm just gonna take a nap if that's alright?

Ellie's Dad: You just got home. Aren't you gonna talk to us?

Ellie: I'm sorry, I'm just a little tired.

Ellie's Mom: Why?

Ellie: *thinks of a lie because her parents don't know anything that had been happening* (ex. her overdosing, the miscarriage, Ethan overdosing)

Ellie: Uhm well e got into a car accident the other day, that's kinda why I wanted to move back. I knew his parents were stressed, and I didn't want to be a bother.

Ellie's Dad: Okay. You're not dating that boy anymore though, are you? Because you know how we feel about that.

Ellie: No Dad. I promise I broke up with him.

Ellie's Dad: Okay sweetie.

Ellie's Pov.
After I finish talking to them, I carry all my stuff from Ethan's house upstairs, take a shower, put on my pajamas and get in bed to take a nap.

I wake up a couple hours later and grab my phone that's been plugged up while I was asleep. I turn it on and it immediately starts buzzing with texts, and missed phone calls.

I look and see that all of them are from Ethan. I have about ten missed calls, and twenty or twenty five texts.

*Ethan's texts*

Ethan: Ellie

Ethan: Babe, I'm sorry.

Ethan: I didn't mean what I said today.

Ethan: I love you

Ethan: Please just text me back, or call me.

Ethan: I wanna talk to you baby.

Ethan: I know you broke up with me, but I need to talk to you.

Ethan: I'm sorry for overreacting so much today.

I read about fifteen more texts, and then contemplate calling e. I know I'm not supposed to date him, but would it be so bad if all I did was talk to him.

I think for a couple more minutes, and then start to call him. It only rings for a few seconds and then he answers.

*the phone call*

Ethan: Hello

Ellie: *in a whispering tone* hi

Ethan: Thank you for calling me back.

Ellie: Mhm

Ethan: Uhm well I'm sorry for overreacting today, but can we please talk before we decide to break up.

Ellie: Decide? E we already broke up.

Ethan: I know but maybe we could just tal-

Ellie: *cuts him off* Ethan we can't date.

Ethan: I know your parents don't want us to, but maybe we could talk to them or something.

Ellie: E it's not about my parents.

Ethan: Then why?

Ellie: Its to hard. I was scared to death when you got hurt e, and I don't think I can stick around and watch that happen again. I love you way to much for that.

Ethan: You don't know that it's going to happen again.

Ellie: But you don't know that it isn't.

Ethan: You overdosed too.

Ellie: And how'd that make you feel Ethan?

Ethan: ...

Ellie: Exactly.

Ethan: I.. I-

Ellie: I got to go e. *hangs up*

Ethan: I love you Ellie.. *hears the phone beep that Ellie hung up and throws his phone out of anger*

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