A Reality so Wonderful

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        Running. Running. Gasping for breath as the cool sweat ran down your face. The night air was chilling, but felt so good against your burning lungs.

        I need to stop sneaking out at night. One of these times, curiosity will be the death of me.

        There was a giant phantom chasing you at lightning speed. Never have you seen a phantom this large- not even the day you met Yato and the others. Your heart was pounding; you were sure it was about to burst.
        "Smells nice, smells nice."
        "Miyuki!" You turned to see Yukine who was now running beside you. "I think it's time you learned to make a borderline, though it probably won't be strong enough to hold off this phantom. Put your fingers together like this, draw a line and say-"
        "A line!" you yelled, swiping your fingers. It seemed like quite a strong borderline, but not strong enough for this phantom.
        "That's even better than my first try," Yukine admitted in amazement. "But let's try one together."
        "A line!" you both yelled, and an incredibly strong light appeared.
        "It should be able to hold him off, but I don't know for how long. Come on!" Yukine shouted, taking hold of your wrist and bolting. "Did Yato already teach you how to make a borderline?"
        "Wow, amazing! And you knew what to say, too!"
        "It was probably just my instincts." But honestly, you were just as impressed and intrigued. "Duck down!" you warned, and you both ducked, only to see another large phantom fly over your heads.
        "Reiko, Sekki!" You found yourself to be in Yato's sweaty hand, just in time. Yato used Yukine most of the time for fighting phantoms, but he used you for the larger, more troublesome phantoms. It was strange having him use you both. The last time he had done so was the day you were given life again.
        Before long, all you saw was red and that white thing in the air before everything returned to normal. "Good work Yukine, Miyuki," Yato told you both. "Miyuki, you need to stop running off at night, though," he added with a sigh and ran a hand through his hair.
        "I know, I'm sorry. I need to learn to control my curiosity," you admitted, feeling guilt.
        "Yato, you should have seen Miyuki's borderlines! And she knew what to say without me telling her! Her borderline was even stronger than mine!" Yukine exclaimed, still in awe from earlier. Yato merely looked at you for a split second before looking away. He didn't seem all too surprised.

        Is that worry I see in his face? Is he worried? Or was he worried? Perhaps I'm just over-analyzing the situation?

        "Right now we need to cleanse your blight, Miyuki." You tilted your head as you looked at Yato, clearly confused by his words.
        "My blight?"
        "Earlier. When you ducked, you didn't duck low enough. We need to cleanse the blight on your back. And my blight from you sneaking out." You bit your lip, feeling even more guilty.
        "Oh." Yato's eyes lightened up and a smile even appeared on his lips. You felt a hand on your head- a rather sweaty hand, at that- and it ruffled your hair slightly.
        "You're a curious one, aren't you? A rather troublesome teenager, but a strong one. And you-" The hand was removed from your head and Yukine was now stuck in a headlock.
        "Yato, let go!"
        "Another troublesome teenager, but still, a worthy Regalia. I'll be sure to keep you both close, no matter how famous I get! And I'll mention you both in my autograph sessions!" You were now pulled into a headlock as well and looked over at Yukine, who was looking back at you. You both smiled and, just for now, tolerated- and perhaps even enjoyed?- listening to your master's imagination run wild.

        One day, Yato. One day you, Yukine and I- maybe even Hiyori, too- will live in the very first shrine ever built for you. There will be plenty more shrines made in your name, but for memory's sake, we'll live in your first one. You'll have plenty of worshipers, near and far. They'll all ask for your help, with plenty of different problems. However, in the future you may not be the richest god. You might not live in the fanciest shrine to ever be created, either, but it will be the most beautiful. Because it will be the first shrine to ever prove that the four of us can make a difference. And we'll get there together. You may not be the smartest god, or the richest, and absolutely not the most cautious, but you are something so much more than all of those combined. You are caring. You are wise. You are the Yato god.
        One day, Yato, we'll live a reality better than any dream. A reality so wonderful that dreamers everywhere will be jealous.


        "Hey, Akiko-chan. How would you like to go to the park later today?" you asked, looking up from a pile of school papers. You sat cross-legged on your bed and looked over at the same little girl in the corner of the room, playing in silence.
        "Really? But aren't you busy with your studies? You don't have to do it for me; I'm having fun playing here. I'm alright, really,  nee-chan."
        "No, really, Akiko-chan. I've been studying a lot lately, anyways. I could use a good break from my studies. It's getting hard to focus, and this would be a nice break. Besides, I hardly get to play with you." Akiko's face lit up. She immediately stood up, revealing that she was, yet again, wearing a yukata.
        "Thank you, nee-chan!" You nodded and got up from your bed. After fixing up your schoolwork and hiding it from plain sight, you helped Akiko gather some toys and held her hand. Just as you were about to leave the house, you took a look in the mirror.

        Your eyes slowly opened as light filtered into the room. Once again you were unable to see your face in your dream.

        So... Her name is Akiko.

Curiosity Killed more than Just a Cat (Yukine x Reader(A Noragami Fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now