Cats Know Best

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        Ughh, I'm so stupid. I accidently put this into the Twenty Things About Me thing last night instead of this. Whoops...
        Swearing again, yes. Important chapter again, yes. Another action scene, yes. Please let me know how I did!


        When lunch time rolled around Kazuma came to fetch you. But still, Bishamon was nowhere in sight. The past few hours you spent beside the window, watching raindrops race to the bottom. Things were finally beginning to lighten up. Or at least, they were on the outside. Your mind was spinning, full of familiar voices and faces, recent events; Yato releasing you, Yukine calling after you, the blight on Bishamon's neck, Akiko's screams...
        "Kichi." You looked up to see Bishamon in the doorway. Just now you were realizing how tense your hand had become and slowly began to loosen up. "We should get going. It shouldn't be much longer before he returns home from his request." You simply nodded and rose to your feet.
        "I'm coming with you," Kazuma interrupted, coming into view as well.
        "No, this is our fight and-"
        "I'll just watch from the sidelines unless something happens."
        "Kazuma, I told you-"
        "Viina! The blight is beginning to spread and the only weapon you plan on bringing with you is dull. If you won't dispose of Kichi, then I'll at least tag along and watch over you." There was a pause before Bishamon's reply. You took a moment to examine her; she had blight creeping, not only around, but up her neck and she was noticeably hunched over.
        "Then let's get going."

        It didn't take long before you were in the middle of the city. You walked around the street with nothing but the sound of your shoes hitting against the concrete. You turned around to see a cat a few feet away. With a soft smile, you crouched down and held out your head- palm up. She walked in your direction with caution, sniffed your fingers and started hugging your hand. "She came right up to you," Bishamon said with a bit of shock.
        "Cats always go up to people with their palm facing upward. It feels more welcoming and secure than people with their palm facing downward," you explained, stroking the cat's fur. She began purring and rubbing her face more forcefully against you.
        "He's coming. Let's go, Nyoko." With that you turned into a kubikiribōchō and Kazuma ran out of sight.
        "Ah, that was a long day of work, huh?" You froze at the sound of a familiar voice. "Come on, Yukine. You can't stay silent with me forever-" Yato and Yukine stopped in their tracks. "Come, Sekki!"
        "You damn god," Bishamon spoke in a hushed, yet strong, voice.
        "What are you doing here, Bishamon?" Yato asked.
        "Finishing business that should have been settled long ago." With that, she charged at him. Yato raised his katana and there was a loud clash! Again you were dull, but you were still enough to snap the katana in half. With everything happening so fast you couldn't find your voice.
        "Hold in there, Sekki!" Bishamon pulled you away and charged for Yato's side. He dodged, but his jersey tore.
        "No," you whispered. But the chaos continued. Yato swung at Bishamon, but she used you to defend herself. "Stop." She was winning at first, but lost her stance as blight began to spread. "Enough!" Bishamon pulled away and called your name. She doubled over and Kazuma rushed over.
        "Yukine," Yato called out. They both now stood there, a few feet away, their eyes on you.
        "It's happening all over again. You must release her."

        "Why was Bishamon's Regalia killed?"
        "Because she gave her blight."

        So Yato was the real God of Calamity, you thought to yourself. Would he-? No, he wouldn't... Your eyes shifted from Bishamon on the ground, coughing up blood, then you directed your attention back to Yato. "Bishamon. Release Miyuki," Yato ordered. You loosened up upon hearing your old name.
        "Like hell I'd return her to you-"
        "You, with nowhere to go and nowhere to return," Bishamon's eyes widened. "I grant you a place to belong. My name is Yato. Bearing a posthumous name, you shall remain here. With this name, I make thee my servant. With this name and its alternate, I use my life to make thee a Regalia! Thou art Miyuki! As Regalia, Setsu." You looked down at your wrist to see the familiar marking. But there was still Bishamon's marking on your leg. "You wouldn't want to make Miyuki a Nora, would you? And you wouldn't want her to die, either. So release her."
        "Dammit, Yato, you-"
        "Lady Bishamon." You faced her and bowed low. "Please, release me. While I am grateful for all you have done for me, even now, I wish to end your blight and go home." The passing minutes felt like hours, but finally Bishamon responded to your request. You now saw that the mark on your leg was gone, and you straightened up to see that Bishamon's blight had vanished as well. You spun around to face a certain little blond who wore a grin as large as yours. "Yukine!" you yelled, sprinting in his direction. Your arms wrapped around him and he stumbled backwards, but didn't hesitate to return your embrace.
        "Miyuki!" he exclaimed, equally ecstatic. Your eyes then shifted to the jersey-wearing god. You slowly pried away from Yukine's grasp and glanced over at Yato. His hand awkwardly reached out to you, his palm facing upward. You took a few hesitant steps before rushing over and hugging him as well. You felt a pair of arms wrap around you, pressing the coin underneath your shirt against your chest. Kazuma and Bishamon made their exit, and shortly after you left in the opposite direction- your arms swung around their necks and theirs around yours.

        "Mi-chan!" You were immediately tackled and violated all over- even more-so than your first time meeting the group. But still, you didn't mind all that much. After Kofuku felt you up and down and you caught up with Daikoku and Hiyori, they started getting a welcome-back party going on.
        "Kofuku, are there any Phantoms on Miyuki?" Yato asked from the corner.
        "Hmm, I don't believe so." Without warning the back of your shirt was lifted into the air, even revealing some of your belly.
        "K-Kofuku!" you scolded, blushing furiously and yanking your shirt back down.
        "Nope, she's clean! I'll go get the food!" Kofuku hopped up and disappeared into the kitchen.

(Yato's POV)

        The others were still inside partying, but I took a step outside for some fresh air.

        I thought releasing her would make it easier on her for later, but that clearly wasn't the best idea. Perhaps I should have waited to release her?

        I leaned back, letting out a sigh. "Miyuki, you're a difficult one." Speaking of the devil, she just stepped out.
        "Hey, Yato?" She sat down next to me and stared out into the darkness. "Are all Noras bad news?"
        "No. There was one that I knew, and she was nothing like most Noras."
        "Was she a Nora for longer than five seconds?" Her tone was a bit teasing, but curious as well.
        "She was a Nora for a while-" I paused, not wanting to go on. But as I glanced over, Miyuki was staring at me. She knew there was more. "But eventually she was released."
        "I see."
        "Miyuki, if you were to bump into someone that you knew long ago, and you've changed since then, and everything you do to try and make it better just makes it worse, what would you do?"
        "You mean if I've bumped heads with that person way back when and changed for the better?" We sat there in silence for a long while, the only noise being that of the wind. Finally, her response came. "What you do is up to you. But sometimes things have to be worse before they can get better." I looked over at her in surprise. She had a smile on her face and was now standing, reaching out her hand. "We should go back inside before the others wonder where we went. Besides, they have food." The corners of my lips tugged upward and I grasped her hand.

        It should be no surprise that Miyuki knew how to handle a situation like this. After all, cats know best.

Curiosity Killed more than Just a Cat (Yukine x Reader(A Noragami Fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now