I'm not the Sitting-Duck Type, I'm the Curious-Kitten Type

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        Okay, first of all, and most importantly, I'M BACK! :D You know what that means? FREE HUGS! Oh, and new chapters, too. XD Also, please read my explanation in the chapter after this(I'll post it later). It will be about this chapter and, well, this chapter might make Miyuki seem like a Mary Sue. But you're not, I swear. The way it's written and with Miyuki's past which you have yet to learn about, you kind of seem like a Mary Sue. But I swear, you aren't. Just... I'll get into it later. I don't want to spoil this chapter and I hate putting notes at the end because it feels like it takes away from the story.
        Next. Okay, guys, I love you all! :D Really, I do! Thank you so much to all of you for your comments, your suggestions, for following me and for voting. I just, this is amazing. You guys really do make me happy. :) Hey, if any of you ever want to message, just to say hi and stuff, I'm all for it! You guys are awesome and really make my day. Like every day. Thank you!!


        "Thank you!" the man said.
        "That was no problem for a god like me! The three of us can handle any problem on any day!" Yato told him, doing the same routine of the coin toss and smile. You fought the urge to roll your eyes.
        "Wait, did you say you're a god? And that you can take on any problem?" You looked over at a woman with a tissue in her hand and tears streaking down her face.
        "That's right. May I help you?" Yato asked.
        "My son," she cleared her throat, "my son. He was kidnapped. You see, he was playing outside while I was cleaning up in the house and my husband was taking a nap. I went out to check on him and he wasn't there. All I found was this note on our porch." She took out a piece of paper from her pocket. Her shaky hands unfolded it and, as Yato took it, you managed to catch an address.
        "Yukine, Miyuki, I want you both to sit this one out," Yato told you both as his eyes scanned the paper.
        "No," you said, cutting off Yukine. "It's dangerous. You're not going alone, especially without a Regalia-"
        "You both are staying at the shrine." Yato's blue eyes pierced through you and his voice was austere. You stared at him for a few minutes before lowering your head.
        "Fine." Yato nodded and looked back at the woman.
        "You have nothing to fear. I will take care of this, but it will cost five yen."
        "B-Bless you," the woman replied, reaching back into her pocket.


        "Thanks for dinner," you said to Kofuku, acting like your normal self. Yukine, however, was rather nervous. He appeared worried for Yato, and of course, you were too. But unlike Yukine, you didn't plan on sitting still and being a good, little Regalia. You weren't all that great at taking orders. And tonight, that was about to show. You paid a great amount of attention to Yato, but didn't dare to let it show. You knew the address but you had yet to figure out the time, and if you got caught stealing the note, suspicion would rise. But what you did manage to get your hands on at various times throughout the day was a mini backpack and some weapons.
        You shivered at the cool, night air as Hiyori opened the door. "No problem! Bye Hiyorin~!" Kofuku yelled.
        "Bye, everyone," Hiyori replied. You waved before the door closed and then turned to the others.
        "I think I'm going to go to bed. Night. And Yato," he looked over at you, "be careful." Your master nodded and, with that, you left the room. That is, only to sneak out the back door with the backpack. You assumed Yato had to leave soon and you still had to figure out where this place was. You decided to walk into a store and ask a worker for directions, but when you got out you saw Yukine in the distance. He spot you before you could make a run for it.
        "Miyuki, everyone's looking for you. Why did you leave?"
        "Because-" A sigh escaped your lips. Perhaps if you told him the truth there was a chance he wouldn't tell. After all, he had to understand! "Because I'm not letting Yato go alone."
        "But you don't even know where he's going-"
        "I caught a glimpse of the address earlier. And I just got directions. Please, Yukine, don't tell them." The boy had an uneasy look on his face.
        "Fine. But I'm going, too! Yato teleported somewhere a few seconds after you left the room, so he's clueless about this."
        "Good. And if taking you with me is the only way to keep you quiet about this, then fine. But be careful. And take these," you told him as you dug through your backpack. You found a knife and a few shuriken and gave them to Yukine.
        "Where did you-"
        "Forget that. We need to get going before the others find us." You took him by his wrist and ran away.

        A large, gray building soon came into view. It appeared to be abandoned, but you knew better. You entered with Yukine and immediately the smell of dust hit you.

        Tap-tap, tap-tap, tap-tap.

        The sound of your footsteps echoed against the concrete floor. You heard a voice bounce off the walls from a distance.

        "Let the boy go."

        You let go of Yukine's wrist and bolted.

        Clack, clack.

        I shouldn't have left Yukine alone. It's dark and this place is dangerous. But I have to get to Yato. Besides, Yukine shouldn't stand out so long as he doesn't do anything. And he has weapons if worst comes to worst. He's probably following me, anyway.

        You sprinted up a staircase that led you to a balcony over the action. In the corner was a kid tied to a chair and in front of you Yato, completely unaware of your presence, was in a fighting stance, surrounded by some other guys. You hid behind a stack of boxes and watched.
        "And just who is going to make me?" In just a few swift moves, Yato was pinned against the wall. Something silver flashed near Yato's neck. You hurled a knife, intentionally just missing the leader's head.
        "I wouldn't do that if I were you," you told them.
        "Who's up there?"

        Tap-tap, tap-tap.

        You strained your ears, just managing to hear footsteps coming your way. You whirled in the direction. But it was too late. A pair of hands landed on your shoulders, shoving you over the railing. You twisted around and landed on your feet.
        "It's a chick!" It took you a few seconds to get over your amazement at your own abilities. Finally, you faced them and avoided Yato's eyes. You saw the silver thing from earlier- a kunai- in the leader's hand. He threw it in your direction, but you caught it between two fingers with ease. It were as though someone else were in control of your body. That or you were used to this kind of thing from long ago. It appeared as though you weren't the only one in shock. The gang whispered quietly and looked at you.
        "How can she be this good? She's a girl!"
        "I would much appreciate if you could make this interesting. Or, at the very least, knock it off with these sexist comments. Now, are you going to hand the kid over sooner or later?" The words out of your mouth you expected, but your actions surprised you each time. You didn't have much time to think about it as two of the guys charged at you.
        "You little brat!" His fist came came flying to your face. You moved to the left. You placed your hands on his shoulders and jumped, flipping over him. Your foot slammed onto the other guy's head. Back on the ground, you spun around, jabbing your foot into he first guy's side. You thrust your elbow into the second man. You spared a moment to glance at Yato- who was doing just fine- and caught a glimpse of a blonde teenager on the balcony. Your attention returned as the first guy got hold of your wrist. You twisted it around until the roles were switched. You twisted his arm, but got picked up from behind. You smashed your elbow into his nose and he let go. You landed on your feet with both of them in front of you. You rustled in your backpack, pulled out knives and threw all three at once. One slid between them both, barely tearing through their skin. The other two jammed into their sides. Your hand flew to your mouth at the sight of blood. Much to your relief, Yato finished up.

        "There are a lot of people here for just one kid," you muffled from behind your hand.
        "What are you two doing here?" Yato scolded.
        "Oh? And let you come here alone? Well, I'm not very good at taking orders if they contradict with my instincts or my curiosity. Besides, I'm more of a curious kitten than a sitting duck," you told him, crossing your arms stubbornly. The stench of blood started to bother you. "I don't feel so good," you mumbled.
        "If you would have stayed at the shrine, you wouldn't be having this problem!"
        "Like I said, there was absolutely no way I was going to sit this one out!"
        "Shouldn't we untie the kid?" Yukine pointed out. Your mouth dropped slightly as you looked over at the corner.
        "I suppose that would be a smart idea," you agreed.
        "Why didn't us coming here blight Yato, though?" Yukine asked as Yato untied the kid and you regathered the weapons.
        "Regalias blight their master when they sin. A sin is when the Regalia does something with evil intentions. We weren't here to disobey Yato, we were here to save him from getting killed," you answered. You then glanced over at Yato, giving him a look. "Idiot."

        The police soon showed up at the scene and took care of the gang while the three of you walked the kid home and returned to the shrine. The fresh air helped you to forget the smell of blood. You laid near Yukine and Yato- as you had often been doing lately- and thought about today.

        I still feel bad for abandoning Yukine, but back to that fight. What was up with that? Why was I so skilled? No one is naturally that experienced. No one. What does that say about my past life?

Curiosity Killed more than Just a Cat (Yukine x Reader(A Noragami Fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now