Renegade: Trivia!

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- Commander Nestor is Ethan Nestor's great great great grandson.

- Commander Nestor's first name is Thomas.

- The G.O.D Administration is supposed to be ironic.

- The last sentence is chapter one is foreshadowing the end of the series.

- Electricity is rare and only occurs in towns that still maintain somewhat of what was considered "1st world" before the war. (As well as where demons are living)

-The Internet does not exist. Dark made sure of that, at least to humans.

-The underground tunnels are the best methods of moving about for the Rebellion.

- The official name for the rebellion is "Vive" or "Live" in English.

- Most soldiers in the rebellion/members know Latin (almost) fluently.

- Soldier in the Rebellion wear a mixture of light armor and army uniform. (Designed by Mario)

- Demons have TV shows and networks exclusive to demons (unless humans can hack into the signal which is illegal)

- There's a curse on Dark's staff.

- Dark avoids making laws because there is too much paperwork involved.

- "Semper Ridere" means "Smile Always"

- Nana Rose set up a transfer for (Y/n) only hours after the announcement was made.

- Although Mark was the leader of the Rebellion, Nana Rose had the final say on large missions.

- Ethan Served in the Rebellion.

- Dark made the announcement because he was bored.

- Dark, Anti and Die are the three most powerful demons in the world.

- There is a community bath inside the castle, but Dark, Anti, and Die prefer to use their own.

- Dark misses youtube.

- The reason why it took so long for demons to smell (Y/n) out was the very fact she's part demon on top of the pheromone they used on her. 

- She has a very small human smell.

- Die saw (Y/n) enter the ballroom and was going to approach her first, but she fell into his back instead.

- Attendees of Dark's party are high ranking demons, leaders, heros, and many other powerful demons.

- Rose was never worried about (Y/n)Die misses the days before the war.

- (Y/n) isn't scared of Dark, only losing to him.

- (Y/n) was Die's first kiss (with a human)

- Dark, Die and Anti didn't know who she was (her name or anything) but knew of her hunting abilities.

- If Dark didn't make an agreement with Die at the beginning of the story 

- (Y/n) would have been killed in front of the party.

- Rose knew (Y/n) wasn't going to make it back.

- The children of members of the rebellion are personally schooled in small classrooms.

- Members of the rebellion reside in the castle but have little to no contact with (Y/n)

- Demons are born in "Pods" as Anti describes. But Pods are plant-rock like. 

- They are born looking like the last person they'll ever possess.

- Anti was (Y/n)s first friend, though he'll deny it.

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