●Chp 2.● The Plan

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I open up the door to the mansion as Jas takes our bags and luggages out the car. I walk inside and my jaw instantly dropped , it was amazing. It was nothing like back home , I felt like a celebrity the way I knew me and Jas were going to live but I know we deserve it.

I walk back to the car and smile at Jas
"What Kay? I hate when you just smile at me and don't say shit , it's weird." Jas says and laughs
"Sis , instead of being an asshole, ask why I'm smiling .. and to answer your question I'm smiling because BITCHHH , we aren't living in no ghetto ass studio , we not broke nomore , and we made it sis we made it." I say as my voice fades and my eyes tear with joy as i stare at the beautiful new home me and my sister have to ourselves.

I start to grab my suitcases and bags from near the car and I start walking towards the door.
"Come on girl , we have a lot of unpacking to do." I say trying to catch my breath from carrying the heavy bags and trying to hold onto the luggages.
"I'm comming I'm comming, and what about furniture Kay ? What the fuck we gonna sleep on the floor." Jas says sounding sarcastic as always.
"Girl didn't I say I got you just come on." I replied while continuing to walk.


How the fuck did we move without any furniture? Is she fucking stupid. I don't care how nice this house is I'm not sleeping on no floor , I came way toooooo far to repeat some old shit I got away from. But on the other hand I never seen Kay so excited but I love it , and I'm just happy she's happy she deserves it after putting up with taking care of me for so long.

I walk inside the door of the mansion with some of most of my things and dropped them instantly once i walked in , and took a deep breath
"Whoo , I didn't even know I had so much shit." I say while looking down at all my luggages and bags.
I looked up to see a fully furnished mansion with the most beautiful decorating. I mean there was a hot tub , pool tables , a bar , fireplace , flatscreens , just so much! I couldn't wait to tour the house and just be able to live the lavish life I know me and Kay deserve.

Kay brings in the rest of our things and closes the door behind her.
"So you like?." She says while smiling looking at me , then looking around , looking back at me.
"Like ? BITCH I LOVE !! it's beautiful , but how are we gonna pay for this every month? What are we gonna do about the furniture Kay? We can't just go selling drugs out here we know nothing about this place Kay!. I-" I say a little worried about what we were going to do before she cuts me off.
"Sis , trust me I got US ! I already have a little job set up , the mansion is paid for with all expenses , The furniture is paid for , trust me Jassy we are going to be fine , I left mom a secret stash , our bank accounts are full , I found some connects out here , we are going to be fine , now go unpack your shit and get comfortable , pick any room you want then get dressed we're gonna go have some fun." Kay says with confidence and sincerity as she carries on to get herself settled.
" You know I always put trust in you Kay, But you know , we just don't need no fuck ups , Ecspecially after what happened to us Year after year , I just don't want the worst of the worst , but BESIDES THAT SHIT , YOU said have fun? I'm with it !." I say with ease while smiling , as I run with most of my things to get unpacked and settled and ready to enjoy the rest of the day getting to know the spots with Kay.

I know Kay always was smart , but is she keeping secrets from me? What job? How is this big ass mansion paid off ? SHIT just seems a little tooo good to be true. Hopefully it's not no fuck shit and no-one played my sister because if that's the case somebody will get their life taken for fucking with me and Kay's.

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