30 [ season 7 spoilers ]

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okay let me set something up for you guys .

imagine loving something so much that for once in your life you can't sleep because of how excited you are . so excited that despite the fact you have to work two of your jobs the next morning you can't stand missing it . so you stay awake till 3 am to watch it .

not only am i confused . i am beyond disappointed and disgusted with everyone on the voltron writing team and crew .

let me start with the hype . the writers and the cast members started posting things , trying to make you super excited . such as all the little interviews for lance's endgame and his plot arc . we got the popsicles that cause the fandom to go insane . we got everything that made it look like it was going to go our way .

and then it didn't .

the queer baiting is what really pisses me off .

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 "Meet" sure, meet like we were at a social mixer and all you say is "Hi" to everyone

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"Meet" sure, meet like we were at a social mixer and all you say is "Hi" to everyone.  We got what, 10 minutes with the guy? A vague implication that they were together? They honestly could have been just been best friend roommates with that dialogue.
voltron showrunners are just being blatantly homophobic at this point, i dont know how anyone could ever still support this show and its creators after this mess

they baited us with klance the entire time and used it as a marketing strategy to keep us watching and THEN basked in all the praise they got for gay shiro/adam, letting us believe we'd get satisfying rep? That's beyond disgusting.

and adams death, that was fucking laughable. like they showed nine people dying and then adam is one of them and happened to be the last one to die when sanda decided to blatantly IGNORE THE ONE PERSON WHO KNEW WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON

and no. adam did not get killed off for the plot. shiro literally whispered "adam ... " and went on with the fucking mission . shiro was almost emotionless when he saw his plaque I was like " what... that- can't be it.... "
it didnt even look like he was personally effected at all by his love DYING

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