Vacation to Jamaica ~ Part Two

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Cory's POV

I wake up and Lea is still sound asleep. She is just so precious when she is asleep. I hop out of bed and throw on my boxers and t-shirt and head downstairs. I begin to cook breakfast and I begin to think about how amazing last night was. I just enjoyed having that moment with her.

After a little while I hear her call downstairs, "Cory?" "Yes?" I reply. "What are you doing?" she asked. "Come down and you will see."

Lea's POV

I throw on my robe and head downstairs. I find Cory in front of the stove cooking breakfast, in his t-shirt and boxers, damn he is hot and he is all mine. I walk over to him and he bends down to give me a kiss. I decide to tweet a selfie of us. I posted to Instagram saying, "My Love ❤" Within seconds I saw that the fans were posting comments like "OMG OTP Forever!" "#MoncheleRiot". Cory and I smiled, we love it when we make our fans happy.

"What do we have on the agenda today, Cor?"

"I thought we could go ziplining." he said.

"That sounds fun!" I replied

He finishes cooking breakfast and we go sit at the table, he sets my plate in front of me. I decided to post a pic of it. I posted this one to Twitter saying, "@CoryMonteith cooked me breakfast this morning. ❤ #SoLuckyToHaveHim" He was the first one to retweet it. The Monchele fans went crazy. Cory and I quickly finished our breakfast and went upstairs to get ready to go ziplining.

After I finished getting dressed I headed into the bathroom to begin to put on my makeup, Cory came in and said, "Lea, what are you doing?" I said, "I'm putting on my makeup." Cory then said to me, "Skip the makeup, you dont need it, you're beautiful, just the way you are." I smiled and put my makeup brush down. He takes me by the hand and walks me outside. We walk down to the boat, and I see he hired us a driver. I'm so happy about this because now I can spend time with him on the back of the boat.

We are on our way to the ziplining place and I am lying next to Cory on a small bed on the back of the boat he begins to stroke my hair and whisper something in my ear...

Cory's POV

"You are so beautiful, Lea, and I'm so glad that you're my fiancee. My life just wouldn't work without you. Lea, you make me a better man. When I'm with you I feel so happy, happier than I've ever been before. I'm so in love with you, and I'm so lucky to have you. And I can't wait till I'm able to call you my wife." she smiles and says, "I love you so much Cory!" then she leans in for a kiss.

A few minutes go by and we finally arrive at the place where we are going to be zipling. Lea looks over at me with her stunning brown eyes and then she reaches for my hand, I grab a hold of it, and we begin to walk off the boat. We get to the little shack wear we get our gear and Lea looks up at me and says, "Cory, I'm nervous." I look down at her and say, "You'll be fine, we can go together." I kiss the top of her head.

We walk up to the platform that the zipline is connected to, and I pull out my phone and take a picture of her and I. Now I realized I hadn't been on my Instagram in forever, but what better comeback than a pic of my favorite woman and I. I uploaded it to Instagram with the caption, "Ziplining with this lovely woman in Jamaica." Lea liked it. We both then put down our electronics and got hooked up to the zipline. They had two ziplines right next to eachother, so Lea went on one and I went on the other. Before we pushed off the platform, I grabbed a hold of her hand and we pushed off together. I couldn't stop looking at Lea, she is so beautiful, the wind in her hair, her signature sunglasses on, she is just so perfect. We hired a photographer to take pictures of us coming into the next platform, and as we approached we looked over at eachother and make our hand holding noticeable. The photographer got a great photo of that and Lea posted it to Twitter and Instagram. She captioned it on Twitter with, "@CoryMonteith the things you make me do. #Ziplining #MoreCrazyActivities" I remember seeing that interview from earlier this year, when she was talking about our Hawaii trip. Then I read the one on Instagram it read, "We love,with a love, thats more than love ❤"

We have one more zipline to go on before we go back to our private place. Lea pushed off before me, but she grabbed my hand. I went flying off the platform, so fast that I ended up passing her, we started laughing, the good thing is the photographer got a great picture of that too! I shared that on Instagram on our ride back to the house.

Lea's POV

"Love and laughs with my future Mrs." Cory posted to Instagram, along with a photo of us on the ziplines looking at eachother and literally laughing our ass off. We are back at the house now and we plan to just relax on the beach most of the week, we were gonna do some more activities, but we decided that we just wanted to relax the rest of the time.

I am lying in bed and Cory is outside, I dont know what he is doing but I'm sure he will be in soon. But I get a text from him saying, "Im waiting for you in the water Ms. Sarfati.. know what i mean ;)" I smile as i get undressed and wrap myself in one of my coverups. I walk down to the beach and there he is staring out. He is so sexy and in shape. I get closer and his muscular back and that sexy tattoo of his becomes visible in the moon light. I drop the coverup and walk out into the water.

"Here I am, Mr. Monteith." I say seductivley. Cory turns around and grabs me by the waist and hoists me up. He begins to kiss me and I begin to kiss him back. Begininng to rub my hands up and down his back, he begins to you know, and soon enough we are doing it in the water.

He continues as he carries me into the house. He carries me upstairs and he lays me down on the bed. "Cory!" I exclaim. We are too into it, and its like a feeling of ectstacy for both of us. At this point, its like being in a different world. I'm just so in love with him, and I get to have him for the rest of my life and we get to do this whenever we want.

I dont know exactly what time it all stopped but I woke up this morning way before Cory. He was laying there, and he looked so handsome. I just love everything about him, he is just perfection. I climb back into bed, cuddling up next to him. I cover up everything from the boobs down with the sheet, and take a picture of us as I nestle my head in Cory's neck. I upload it to Instagram with the caption, " 'Oh my man I love him so.' @corymonteith1982"

I walk downstairs and begin to make breakfast, I decided that its my turn to make breakfast for my love. I cook him a croque-madame trying to make sure I dont undercook the eggs this time, been there done that. I finish just in time because just then I hear him waking up. I quickly set the plate on the table and a glass of orange juice.

He walks into the kitchen and asks, "What's this?" "I made you breakfast babe. I figured it was my turn to do it." "Oh Lea, I love you." he says as he gives me a peck on the cheek.

I check my phone and see a notification that says Cory mentioned me on Twitter. It was a picture of the breakfast and the caption, "@msleamichele said it was her turn." I smiled. I'm so lucky to have him in my life.

Hey guys sorry this chapter took so long, between personal issues and writers block it kept getting delayed. Hope you guys like this chapter. Another update coming later tonight or sometime tomorrow. ~Breezy

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