Family of Four?

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Cory's POV

Today's the day! I'm so excited! We are seeing our child for the first time today. Lea is still asleep, but I am wide awake. I head out to the kitchen and make us some breakfast. I can't contain my excitement, and I know I was a little freaked out yesterday when we first found out, but Lea reassured me that it's ok and now I'm so excited I can't hold it back. I finish making our meals and I set them on the table. I sit and wait for Lea to wake up. While I wait I check my twitter and reply to a few fans. I smile at their replies, I love it when I make my fans happy. I appreciate them because I wouldn't be where I am today without them.

        It's about 10:45 now and I hear her waking up. We only have 1hr and 15mins left till our appointment. I hear her shout happily from the bedroom, "Cory today's the day!" I smile, as I shout back, "I know baby!"

Lea's POV

I walk out to the kitchen and there he is, sitting at the table with both of our meals made. We quickly eat and then head to the bedroom to get ready. I am keeping it simple with a graphic tank top, and leggings. I put on some foundation quickly, grab my purse, and head out to the car. Cory opens the car door and helps me in. He walks around the front and hops in the drivers seat. We open the gate to pull out and there were a bunch of paparazzi, as there usually have been lately. Cory grabs my hand and we look at eachother, "Can't they just give us a break!?" I exclaim.

        We finally get past the paparazzi and we are off to the doctors. I can tell Cory is excited because he is driving faster than he usually does. He keeps looking over at me and smiling and I do the same. But, I am beginning to get a little queasy, and I grab my stomach. "Do you need me to pull over Lea?" Cory asks. I shake my head, but he can tell I'm lying, so he pulls to the side of the road. He hops out, and walks around to get me. After he helps me out, he pulls my hair back out of the way, and I threw up. I don't like doing this infront of him, he shouldn't be seeing me like this. I finally finish, and Cory helps me back into our Range Rover and we continue to the doctors. I think to myself, "I hope this puking thing doesn't last the whole 9 months."

We arrive and Cory says he'll check us in. I take a seat and wait for Cory to come back over. He takes a seat next to me, and I put my hand on this thigh like I usually do. A few minutes go by and a nurse comes out and says, "Lea Sarfati." Cory then stands up and takes my hand, and we begin to follow the nurse back.

        I sit up on the table and the nurse asks me a few basic questions before saying, :"The doctor will be in shortly." and then she walks out the door.

        As I sit there I look over at Cory and I just stare into his eyes. "He is gonna be a great father!" I think to myself. He begins to speak to me, "Lea, I want you to know that I am gonna do everything I can to be a great man for you and for our child. I'm gonna do everything I can to stay clean, and provide for us as a family. And I'm gonna be here for you these next 9 months for what ever you need, whether it be running to the store at 2 AM to get you something, or just someone to comfort you when you are uncomfortable. I will be here for you. Lea, I know you're gonna be a great mom. And I wouldn't want anyone else to be the mother of this child." I smile, as he walks over and kisses me.

        The doctor comes in not too long after, and introduces himself, then he gets started. Cory pulls a chair up next to me and grabs hold of my hand, and he starts to rub it with his thumb. The doctor asks me to lift up my shirt to expose my stomach. I look down at it and I see a small bump. "This may be a little cold." the doctor says as he puts the gel stuff on my stomach. He takes the wand thing and begins to move it around my stomach. Two small figures pop up on the screen. "Looks like there's two in there, you're having twins." the doctor says. Cory and I look at eachother and smile. Then Cory pulls out his phone and takes a picture of the screen.

        The doctor cleans off my abdomen and says I can put my shirt down. He then asks when Cory and I had sex. I replied, "Around the end of October." The doctor then replies, "Ok, so your due date,should be around the middle of July." He asks me if I had any morning sickness yet. "Yes, I have." I say. The doctor says that its usually just in the first trimester that it happens. I feel relieved. After that he has me fill out some paperwork and then sends us on our way.

        Once we get in the car, I hear my phone ding. It's a twitter notification.

Cory's POV

"Say 'Hello!' to the two new additions to the Monchele family!" I tweet along with the picture I took of the sonogram at the doctors office. The fans went nuts. Another riot. We have been starting them a lot lately. She smiles at my tweet as she retweets it and then tweets something of her own. "Cory and I are expecting twins! :) <3" I retweet it.

        We arrive at the house and walk inside. Lea sits down at the table and stares at the stack of wedding invitations we just made. She then looks up and blankly stares before she begins to get emotional. "Cory! This is bad!" she cries. "What are you talking about?" I say kind of confused. "Nothing is gonna fit!" she pauses before begininng again, "I'm gonna be huge, Cory! I already got fitted for a dress and picked one out. And my feet aren't gonna be comfortable in the heels, cause they are gonna get swollen, and I'm gonna look like I have a huge ball on the front of me and--" "Lea come here," I say walking over to her and embracing her, "Everything is fine. Everything is gonna be just fine. I'm sure they can do alterations on your dress, and you don't have to wear heels. You can go barefoot, or wear flats. Baby I don't mind bending down a little to kiss you when the officiant says, 'You may now kiss your bride.' And I know, no matter what, you are gonna be so beautiful that day. Pregnant or not, you are gorgeous, Lea. We are gonna work everything out. I promise." Its funny just yesterday I was the one freaking out, now it's her. But I guess its just the horomones. Whatever it is I'm here for her.

        I wipe the tears off her face and carry her over to the couch. She snuggles herself into me and says, "I'm so glad I have you."

I hope you guys liked this chapter!! working on some more chapters, but dont know when they will be posted. Hopefully soon! ~Breezy

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2014 ⏰

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